Chapter 26

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"It seems we have a tie"

Skate and Rogue looked between each other. They looked out at their new gang. Both knew they'd never resolve this without one giving up the spot. Now it was all up to who would sacrifice their leadership for the betterment of the gang. Who would be willing to give this up to have the better leader lead.

The group glued their eyes to the two in front of them. Skate staring down at Rogue as she looked at the floor. The decision floating in her mind. She thought back to the night of the picture. It smashed onto the ground. The glass filing onto the floor. The words Raven said. That she was slowly turning into Cameron, and that was her worst fear. Putting them through the same thing. The one thing they left for coming back in their leader.

Belle stood watching. Waiting. Waiting for Rogue to claim the leadership. She knew Rogue would know that she was the right leader for this gang. She would keep them safe. She would lead them right. Keep them in line whatever the cost. Skate didn't care for the gang like Belle knew Rogue did. If she didn't care she would've told Nash to beat it, but she didn't. That takes sacrifice. That's what a leader does.

The anxiety began to build as Rogue turned to Skate. Her eyes connecting with his. Their intense eye contact mirroring one of a fight, but them Rogue's eyes sank to the floor. She slid away from Skate shaking her head. Her old crew gasped as she looked back up at Skate.

"This is your gang now" she announced

Belle nearly dropped her paper as Rogue walked away from the front and back into her room. She closed the door and leaned on it letting out a shaky breath. She didn't expect anyone to understand. She did this for her girls. She did this for Dillon, Matt, Carter, Hayes, Shawn, Taylor, Aaron, hell she did it for Nash. She never wanted them to have another Cameron ruling over them like a slave owner.

She felt a tear trickle down her cheek as she heard Skate begin to give something like an acceptance speech. She wiped it away quickly knowing Dillon would be knocking on her door soon. She closed her eyes and put her head against the door. She bit her lip. Hoping, no not just hoping. Praying Skate would never be Cameron. She gave up everything to keep that from happening, and kicking ass would be something else she'd do to keep it from happening. That included the very muscular Skate.




She slowly leaned off the door and opened it. Immediately wrapping her arms around the body in front of her. She breathed in a familiar smell. It smelt good. Kind of like fresh air with a pinch of jasmine. But that wasn't what Dillon smelt like. She stopped. Her breathing still. She looked up to see two crystal blue orbs staring down at her. She swallowed a lump in her throat before letting him go.

"I'm sorry I thought-"

"No it's ok I understand"

Nash's face had concern written all over it. Rogue wiped her eyes again and looked away from him. Knowing he had obviously seem her cry. It isn't like he hadn't before, but Rogue wasn't sure he was like he was before. Her eyes bounced around the room.

"What do you want?" she asked

He looked around before walking inside and shutting the door.

"I want to know what the hell is wrong" he replied

"You just wouldn't understand Nash"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's none of your concern"

"Please Rogue" he plead, "I'm just trying to help"

"Then please leave me alone about it. Dillon should be back any second."

Nash shook his head running his hand through his longer brown hair. He sighed and looked up at her again. He knew that was nothing like her, but he realized she hadn't trusted him yet. Not like she use to anyway.

"When your ready to tell me you know where to find me"

She watched him swing the door open and walked out closing it softly behind him. Her eyes dropped closed again. She took in a deep breath and walked over to her bed collapsing on it. What does she do now?

"That's not like her" Snake Eyes said to Matt

It had only been a couple of days, but Matt and Snake Eyes were back to normal. Jokes and games and fun. Snake Eyes tried to isolate her feelings for Matt. Now she sometimes couldn't keep them to herself. Blabbing on and on to Fox about her growing love for Matt. He made her happy. She made him happy. Being together only made sense. Now if they could only admit it to each other.

"I know" Matt replied, "that's why this doesn't make sense"

"I'm concerned. Are you concerned? Because I'm very concerned and that's no-"

"Snake Eyes calm down"

"Right sorry" she announced

"We have to be a little nosy" Matt explained, "start listening closer, looking more, keep up with everything"

"You sound like action movie guy"

They laughed together. Matt kind of wanted her to think that. To hear her laugh. He loved her laugh. It sounded like a beautiful melody in his ears. So at any opportunity he would make a stupid joke or make a funny face to hear that wonderful laugh. Although he was concerned for Rogue and felt bad for voting against her. He couldn't help but want to see the joy on Snake Eyes face.

"But seriously though" Snake Eyes added

"I'm sure everything will sort itself out" he grasped her hand

A warm and shocking sensation filling his body as he held on tightly. Snake Eyes stared at their hands with a tint of sadness in her eyes. He bent down snagging her eyes again. They followed his, but the despair still remained.

"What's wrong?" he asked

"You weren't here when I needed you most Matt" she sniffled, "I was so scared and sad and you were gone"

He knew exactly what she meant. When Belle ran off it scared Snake Eyes. When Belle betrayed them it hurt her. All she wanted was to run into Matt's open arms, but she knew she couldn't. He pulled her into a hug. Feeling her tears seep into the threads of his grey t-shirt. He rubbed her back as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

"I'm not leaving anymore" he whispered, "I'll never leave again"

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