Phase Two Begins

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The next day I was down in the training area.

How big was the training area?


Imagine an underground airplane hangar for a 747, but made out of solid stone. I had to descend several flights of stairs to get down there. I wanted to install an elevator, but Becky said the exercise of moving up and down the stairs was good for both of us.

"How is my going down the stairs good for you?"

*Have you not wondered what powers my system?*

Honestly, I had not even thought about it. I was enjoying my new life too much to consider that. 

*I feed off your body.*


I had images in my head of a Venom-like entity slowly eating away at my pancreas while I Iived on unaware of what was happening to me. I froze in place on the steps as a cold finger of a chill went up my spine. Was Becky slowly killing me? Was he actually planning to consume me?!!

I heard his laugh in my head, a wickedly delighted laugh.

I hated him for it.

*You really think I am like that? Consider how long we have been together now. If that were the case, you would have been dead long ago!* His laughter was delighted, and I swear he was metaphorically rolling on the floor as he giggled in delight.

"You said you feed off my body." I grumphed and huffed in irritation. Yeah, I was being childish and petty. But he was too!


*Do you know what Kinetic energy is?*

"Sure. It's energy created by motion; the more an object moves, the more kinetic energy it has."

*Precisely. Now, my system is able to take the kinetic energy and store it, even amplify it when needed. This is one way my system stays powered up. I also absorb electromagnetic energy as another power source. Between these two sources, my power supply is virtually limitless.*

He sounded slightly smug about that. Clearly, it was a source of pride for him.

"Okay, " I continued down the stairs as I spoke. ", so you have a virtually infinite amount of energy in you, and you have turned me into the equivalent of Captain America. I think that makes us pretty impressive already. What else do you want to do to me?"

*To you? I do not want to do anything else to you. For Phase Two, it is what I want to do WITH you; this is where we work together.*

With me? Okay, that sounded oddly ominous, yet kind of cool at the same time. Up to now, although we had been working together to avoid any possible government agents, it had very much felt like Becky and I had different focuses and agendas. Was this his way of saying we were becoming more of a team?

Wondering what was about to happen, I continued down the stairs. As I did so, I felt myself becoming acutely aware of the fact that I was now powering my companion with every step I took. What a crazy idea that was!

Once in the training area, a good 100 feet or more under the house, I made my way to a table off to the side, one of several. Most held weapons that I had become very familiar with over the last few months; daggers, swords, staffs, sai, and other hand-to-hand combat items were placed in their cases and showed signs of being very well maintained. Polishing and cleaning them was part of my regular training. 

This time, instead of moving to one of the cases with weapons, Becky directed me to a smaller case, one I had never opened before.

*Open this please.*

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