Okay....Now What?!

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Do I need to say anything about the conversation Becky and I had after Detective Juarez left?

I think you can imagine it easily enough!

The thing is, in most cases, when you are arguing with someone, you can just walk away to take a break. But when they are inside your head, there is no way to leave! No matter where I went, Becky was there, in my head, reminding me of how he had warned me, how he had advised against doing anything and making it very clear what he thought about what was now going on!

I finally told him he was right, just to get him to shut up!

I walked out onto the back deck, looking out at the ocean, watching the waves roll in and out, and took a deep breath of the sea air to calm myself.

Okay, so what to do now?

*We must look at the situation by taking into account the different components that make up the issue.*

Nice and clinical, sure, that could work.

If I were not human.

*Being human does not negate your ability to think things through, Jonathan.*

No, but it does mean there were other factors to take into account.

*Like what?*

Oh boy......

Becky knew about my faith, he was with me at church every Sunday, and with me when I had my morning and evening devotions. He had said that many of his builders also worshipped a god of similar nature to mine, but how that faith impacted me and my way of life was still a bit of a mystery to him.

I looked out to sea, letting my mind drift and relax as I just dwelt on the waves as they rolled in and out in their endless dance. The soft sound of the waves on the sand had become a soothing melody to me, and one I found helped me go to sleep at night. Now, as I pondered what to say to my friend, I let myself drift with the ocean for a few moments.

"Let's keep this simple, Okay?"

*Simplicity is often best.*

"Great. So, you know how I feel about life; wanting to protect humans and not harm them."

*Of course.*

"Well, because of that, I can't just sit by while people are getting hurt! Those guys, the Skelters, are nasty pieces of work, and they will hurt others with what they are doing and seem to want to do. Whatever they mean by "Helter Skelter will happen," it can only be something very bad that will hurt dozens, hundreds, or even thousands."

*However, if you continue to take actions that draw attention to yourself, and to us, the end result is inevitable; the government will come and find us.*

He had a point. Stories of a supernatural being popping up to stop crimes would gain national notice very quickly; the very opposite of what we wanted.

But if the Skelters were serious about what they wanted to do, how could I stand by and just let it happen?

*Are you prepared to be hunted and on the run for an undetermined amount of time, if not your entire life?*

Fair question, as that would be the end result of all of this. 

Was I prepared to do something that would result in my being a fugitive from the American Government for the foreseeable future? I liked my life now. Was I ready to give that up?

*You would be sacrificing the life you have for people you do not know, and who may very well forget what you have done in a very short amount of time.*

"I am not doing this for recognition."

*If you were, I would be very disappointed in my assessment of your thought process and mentality.*

Gee, thanks!

*Recall, I chose you and did what I did with you because I believed you to be a good man. Your actions to date have yet to prove my assessment wrong in any way. To put things simply; you are a virtuous man, and you have proven to be a man who makes decisions based on a high moral standard. I have come to respect your ability to do so.*

Wow! I did not know what to say! That was one of the nicest things Becky had ever said to me.

*Your ability to avoid and not become involved in conflicts is questionable, however.*

I chose not to respond to that one.

Which left us back where we had started.

What were we going to do now?

*Despite my protests, you know there really is only one choice of action.*

I leaned forward, my hands on the railing, watching the sun sit high overhead. The waves sparkled beneath golden light, and I saw a pod of dolphins leap into the air as they raced and flashed along in their play. Looking down along the beach, I could see people playing in the distance, hear shouts of laughter and delight as beachgoers relaxed on the sand, or played in the surf. How happy they all were, all blissfully unaware of the dangers around them as they just enjoyed their time beneath the sun.

And here I was, a guy pulled from one life and into another. I had gone from a decent living to an amazing one, gained abilities few could imagine, and now carried a sentient cybernetic system in my body. I was healthier than ever, wealthier than I could have dreamed, and had more money than I knew what to do with.

And a part of me wished I was back in Vancouver, teaching History!

Don't tell me the Good Lord does not have a sense of humour!

*So, Jonathan, what are we going to do?*

I stood up, stretched, and turned away from the beach as I walked into my house.

"Now, we get ready for a fight."

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