Now it is Our Time to Plan

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Lew's comment refocused my attention from Becky to him. He was standing there, nodding, a grim satisfaction on his face as he regarded the screens before him. Clearly, he had come to a conclusion, though the look on his face suggested he was not thrilled about it.

"I would hit the churches just as the service was ending; people will be relaxed, at ease, thinking about what the rest of the day will bring. They will not be thinking about anything dangerous, not that they would have been anyway, but about home, family, social gatherings, and that kind of thing."

He paused, a sardonic smirk on his lips.

"They will be thinking about the meal at home, not about much else. Setting a bomb off then will have maximum effect for both destruction, death, and emotional trauma; especially at the two churches. The number of people killed there will be staggering."

"But churches are notorious for not ending on schedule."

Lew nodded.

"That means they either have a person inside, someone willing to die for their cause, or they have someone outside watching for signs that the service is ending; one risks death, the other risks capture, but I think Manson's Children will have those willing to take either risk in order to further their cause."

"Based on what I saw, I would agree with you."

"Okay then, that leaves the bases. If they have a man on the inside, and chances are they have more than one, then they know the schedule for guard rotations. Early morning would be the best time to hit them; guards coming off duty are tired, and the ones coming on are just waking up. Neither group will be at their best for a few moments. If they want a frontal attack for a distraction, or just as an attack, that would be the time to do it."

"What about bombs on the base itself?"

"Again, inside people, people likely planted months ago, maybe even a year. People who hold enough rank to get into places they need, but not so high that they are in positions where they are under watch at all times. They are very likely non-commissioned officers; petty officers, sergeants, and such. Those would be the "doers", the ones who get things done and, as such, the ones more likely to be seen all over the base at various times throughout the day. Very few would question a non-com who appeared to be working and doing his duty."

"And if they have a Senator on the right committees, they could have those non-coms in just the right jobs to be doing what they need done."

Lew nodded.

"You are starting to see the picture. This thing will have been in the works for a long time. There are likely weapons stockpiled in caches all over the country, with the right parties knowing where to go to get what they want or need to do the most damage they possibly can."

My knees felt weak. The scale of this was way beyond anything I had ever imagined!

I found myself wishing for my classroom and my quiet life from before Becky came into my life.

*Do you really want that?*

That stopped me.

Becky was right.

Sure, that would be the comfortable way to go, the easy way, the way I knew best. That was a life I could do without worry or concern; just live my life and let the world do what it did.

But was that what I really wanted?

How many times had a bemoaned the fact that those who could do something did nothing? How many times had I stressed to my students that need to act when action was needed, to stand up for their fellow human being, and to do what was right, not because it was good, but because it was RIGHT?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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