What Do I Do Now?!

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There it was, right there in front of me, sitting on a table as plain as day. Moving to it, I took a closer look at it, noting the locations marked in red; The Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Park, The Ebenezer Baptist Church, and the First Congregational Church. All three were clearly labelled on the map, and all three would make sense as targets for a white supremacy group; a park dedicated to the champion of the Civil Rights movement, the church where he and his father had been pastors, and the oldest African-American Church in America. Each and everyone of them was a perfect target to start conflict and upset in the local communities. The level of outrage that would come from their destruction, or even an attack on them, would reach across a good portion of the United States.

The chaos that would arise from such an event had potential to rip America apart.

But there was something missing.

Sure, there would be chaos and violence, but it would be mainly a civil event. The local authorities would get involved, maybe even the National Guard or the Reserves, but that would be it. The outcome would mainly be political, with very little in the way of a violent race war.

So why would they.....

The Middle Eastern men!

If there was unrest due to the destruction of key Civil Rights locations, which there definitely would be, and then military bases seemed to be attacked by terrorists, the outcome would be far beyond civil unrest. The two events together would likely lead to some form of military law being instituted, and people would rise up agains that, especially among those who owned guns and held that the government should leave them alone. Then there were the anarchist groups, other white supremacist groups who would rise up agains the minorities, and those who would simply see the conflict as an opportunity to carry out violence for violence sake.

The United States, already under stress from the last president and the constant bickering between Democrats and Republicans, would potentially tear itself apart in the ensuing conflict.

*How can you be sure of this?*

"It's the only thing that makes sense. Why else kidnap men with minor connections to terrorists organizations? The links are strong enough to put up a watch flag, but not enough to keep them from menial jobs on military bases. They are perfect scapegoats."

*And when their bodies are found near where the explosion occurred...*

"Everyone assumes that they set off the bombs, and since they are dead, even if there are any protests from the local communities, everyone will assume they set off the bombs."

*Will the government not speak out against violent response?*

"They will try, but there are so many people in America right now who are frustrated with their leaders, I doubt it would have much impact. There has been a growing racism towards ethnic minorities in America for the last few years, and events like these could set off everyone on either side."

*This has potential to be very catastrophic.*

"You're telling me."

*How do you...."

Becky stopped talking as we both became aware of voices approaching. They sounded stressed, but not too stressed; men who were dealing with a situation that was bad, but could have been much, much worse.

Even as I froze, I heard a hand on the doorknob and heard it start to turn.


I moved as quickly as I dared, to stand in the far corner of the room, trusting in the camouflage technology to keep me as invisible as possible. I really hoped it worked!

A moment later, Cillian walked in, trailed closely by Rat-face, one of those with him when they attacked me at my home. They were discussing how quickly they could get production back up and running as they stepped in and, from what I could hear, it would be a few weeks before they were able to do so.

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