This is Getting Crazy!

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Okay, so what did we have?

Missing men who were all of Arabic descent with suspected but unproven connections to terrorist groups.

A white supremacy group that seemed locked in on Charles Manson and his Helter Skelter plans from over 50 years ago.

And a U.S.Senator who appeared to have white supremacy leanings but seemed to be uninvolved in events so far. 

Oh, and the fact that said white supremacy group very much wanted me dead!

*Many pieces, none of which appear to be connected.*

Yeah, kind of stating the obvious there, Becky.

*I am simply making an observation. More information is clearly required.*

True enough, but where to look for that information?

A few more hours of internet searching and hacking turned up some more material on our Aryan group.

Apparently, they were a splinter group of the Aryan Brotherhood, a 20,000 member strong white supremacy organization with Irish roots that had started in several of the prisons in America and then spread out from there. 

This group was tough! 

They regularly got into fights with other gangs in prison from different ethnic groups. It seemed they might have even enjoyed those fights. The Aryan Brotherhood was organized, had a ranking of officers and a hierarchy of leadership, and had access to a lot of money through their dealings with drugs, prostitution, and black-market arms deals. In some states, they were in conflict with the local Mafia, and in others, they worked with organized crime. 

While the Aryan Brotherhood did not seem to hold Charles Manson with any great regard, apparently some in the brotherhood did. My research suggested that there was a radical splinter group that had started within the organization but had recently struck out on its own. This new group had about 100 members in it, and they all but worshipped Manson and his sayings. 

They called themselves Manson's Children, and they were totally devoted to the idea of making Helter Skelter a reality. They wanted to plunge America into a war they thought would result in an "ethnic cleansing" like the Nazis thought to do with the Jews during World War 2. 

Now Phone Guy, Cillian's, comments at the bank made sense! 

And so did the fanatical look in his eyes when he spoke.

If the rest of the gang was as focused, and I use that word generously, as Cillian, that meant there were 100 Manson-loving, violent, psychotic individuals out there looking for a way to start America's next great war!

The more I became involved in this, the crazier it was becoming!

*I do not understand this human tendency to view a person of a different colour as inferior.*

"Neither do I, Becky. But pretty much every ethnic group I have ever encountered has some element of racism in it."

It was true. The world, or at least the Western World, liked to portray racism as mainly coming from Caucasians. However, there was plenty of evidence out there to show that other nations were quite happy to be racist towards other groups; not just "white" people either! The Japanese felt superior to the Chinese, who felt they were superior to the Japanese or the Koreans. The African continent was not any different, just consider the Rwandan uprisings in 1994, when militia made up of Tutsi refugees attacked Hutu, Twa, and other Tutsi in an attempted genocide that led to a civil war. All because one group in Africa felt it was better than another group in Africa. And in this case, the colour of the skin had very little to do with it. Yet that sense of "I am better than you" or "you are lesser than me" pervades throughout our world, despite the absolute foolishness of such a belief. 

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