Lotus Pier

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As soon as Xiongzhang was standing in front of me, we immediately pulled each other in for a hug. I don't know how long we stood there but if felt good to be in the warmth of my brother's arms again. I missed him and was upset that I had left him behind. Eventually we managed to pull apart from the hug, and Xiongzhang looked around the room for a minute.

"This place is beautiful," He said.

"Thank you," Nuwa said, "Now, I will tell you what I told your little brother. Wei Wuxian's past is not the easy to sit back and watch. I gave him a jade pendant so he can come back at any time to take a break if he needed. You are welcome to use is as well. And as a reminder, you will not be seen or heard and cannot interact with anything. You will be as if you are spirits. You also do not have to worry about, food, water, or sleep, as it is not necessary here in the Heaven realm."

My brother and I nodded and he took my hand as we were sent on our way to Wei Ying's next memories.


Xiongzhang and I found ourselves standing on the docks of Lotus Pier. I had not been to Lotus Pier so I did not know what to expect. It was loud and a bit chaotic but in a friendly kind of way. The people were interacting well with others and were trading goods for others goods.

"This is Lotus Pier?" I asked, "I have never been here."

"This is," Brother said, "Do you see Wuxian anywhere?"

I looked around for a moment and spotted Clan Leader Jiang coming to a landing on his sword behind us with Wei Ying in his arms, "There," I pointed.

"Jiang Fengmian," Brother said and looked at the little boy, "That's Wei Wuxian?"

"Yes," I answered, "I looks like Fengmian cleaned his wounds and changed his clothes. He is still too small for his age though. I believe he is seven here."

"He looks cute though," My brother stated and then looked at me which made me look at him, "Don't you agree, Wangji?"

I nodded, "He is," I finally answered causing my ears and cheeks to turn pink. Xiongzhang could only laugh a little bit before we turned out attention back to Wei Ying.

"We are here," Fengmian told Wei Ying and set him down. He still held onto his hand and led him down the streets and towards his sect entrance.

"I suppose we should follow," Xichen said. I nodded and walked with him to catch up with the two.

Entering the doors of the sect, disciples were standing in line performing sword techniques. I had to admit, everything in Lotus Pier was very beautiful. Pretty much as Wei Ying had told me, and all you could smell was the sweetness of lotus flowers. My brother and I walked through the disciples and followed Fengmian and Wei Ying into the main hall. There was stood a woman, her eyes spoke of envy as soon as she laid eyes on Wei Ying. She wore purple robes and on her wrist was the famous first class spiritual whip, Zidian (a silver ring with a purple crystal and can turn into a whip. Zidian means "purple lightning", referring to the purple-colored lightning that the weapon emits in its whip form). Her name, Yu ZiYuan, and Wei Ying called her Madam Yu. I did not like where this was heading already. I actually found myself gripping onto my brothers sleeve on his outer robes. He noticed me being uneasy and took my hand to let me know that he was here.

"Jiang Fengmian, what is the meaning of this?" Madam Yu yelled in anger causing Wei Ying to hide behind Jiang Fengmian, "Why did you bring that bastard child here?"

"My Lady, this is Wei Changze and Cangse Sanran's son Wei Ying," He told her in a calm tone, "Please calm down a bit."

"Calm down," She huffed, "Do you think I will accept this child into our home?"

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