Pure Heart

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~*Lan Zhan's POV*~

I was sitting outside back behind the Jingshi, a scroll in one hand and a tea cup in the other. I needed to distract my thoughts for the time being while Wei Ying needs his space. I hope those questions didn't push him to much. I had an idea of the questions but not entirely how they were going to be phrased. Xiongzhang did a great job with that.

Speaking of Xiongzhang, "Wangji?" I heard him call out as he entered Jingshi.

"Out back," I said calmly.

Xiongzhang joined me and made a cup of tea for himself, "how are things?"

"As they should I suppose," I answered, "just worried about Wei Ying. I hope those questions weren't too much for him."

"I tried to word it in a way where it sound as if it could be anyone," Xiongzhang stated, "I noticed he still reacted to some of them."

"I saw that as well," I told him, "have you and Shufu read through them all already?"

"No, he wanted me to ask if you wanted to sit with us while we looked through them," Xiongzhang said, "it is up to you though."

"I can, I suggested the idea and I don't mind helping," I said, "although most if not all, are anonymous, I am still curious on what people have to say."

"As am I," my brother said, "should we go then?"

I nodded and followed him to the lecture hall. Shufu just settled at his desk getting ready to read through then disciples answers when we arrived and joined him. I grabbed the top page and looked through it. It seemed to be rather interesting to read.

(Orphan question):
As the oldest sibling, I grew up with two younger brothers. One brother is by blood, the other is considered blood. My adopted brother lived on the streets for a few years before coming to my home. He is such a sweet boy and even though he isn't a brother by blood, he is still my brother, in my heart. So I would help the orphan if I came across them. I have seen the trauma on a child's face after trying to tell them they don't have to be afraid anymore.

(Abused Disciple):
I have witnessed my mother verbally bully my Shidi. I would not be surprised if there was physical bullying involved. I have tried so many times to step in or to tell father to do something but it only leaves them to argue. When they argue my shidi would blame himself because they are always arguing with my Shidi as the main topic. I want to do more but I don't know what to do.

I am the oldest sibling but I lack in cultivation and have a week golden core. I have no desire to cultivate but I do little by little to fit in my family. It's hard when your two brothers are always sparring and seeing is is stronger and better.

(Golden Core):
As I said in a previous answer, I don't have a very good golden core. I admire the person willing to go the pain and effort to sacrifice the gift of cultivation. I would not be able to withstand any pain, I don't even know if I could watch either.

Reading these responses I could say they could be anyone. But talking about her Shidi and treating him like a proper person and gave him the care he needed.

"Although anonymous, I thing this is Lady Jiang's, just a vibe reading it," I said out loud instead of thinking quietly.

"Really," Xiongzhang said intrigued and took it to take a look, "Reading it, the responses seem to feel that way, "Seems to me, if this is hers, that she is okay saying there are some issues at home...I wonder if we should address the next lecture, if they want, we have some people including us, if others want to talk, especially after this exercise."

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