Nuwa's Special Gift

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****Mature Content in this chapter; and a little surprise added to it...btw this was something I was considering on not adding because I am not sure how to write this kind of thing but I wanted to try, plus it is something I have read in other fan fics so I am happy to try. Also if you don't like what I have in store, I apologize but you don't have to read it either. But I am happy if you do. Much Love XOXO****

Credit to the owner. The artist name is on the bottom left of the image above.


I had the feeling that this was going to be a hot and fun night. Wei Ying said he had a surprise for me back at the Bridal chamber as well. I was curious what that was. I told him about Nuwa and told him her gift to us. That was when he said he met her too and said what she offered is a surprise to tell me later when we are alone.

So it was late when we got back to Lotus Pier. It was an hour or so past the time I would normally go to sleep, but I am no where near tired. I was getting antsy for later. It has been so long, call me an addict but Wei Ying is a drug to me, I can't get enough of him and I wanted him.

"Here we are," Wei Ying said opening the door to our new bedroom.

It was decorated red for now, but I can see Lotus Pier decor under it all. I even saw hints of Cloud Recesses within the Devore as well. As we stepped inside, I shut the door behind me and started removing the ornaments in my hair. Wei Ying was removing his own.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked.

He put up one finger and threw privacy talismans all over the room, "there now we can be as loud as we want."

I nodded happily, "are you going to tell me what you have hidden in that talented brain of yours?" I asked pulling him against my chest.

"I received something special from Nuwa," he said, "as she is known for being a creator of human kind and so much more."

I nodded, "that she is, I told you she saw me earlier as well. She is the one who helped me get you and me a second chance."

He smiled, "she told me that. She asked me if there was anything wish that I had yet to fulfill. And I told her that I wanted to have a child with you one day, even if it is to adopt. But she gave me something that can do something incredible."

"What?" I asked.

He took out a small box and opened it, "this supplement, when eaten, especially by an man, can help them conceive a child," he told me.

I stood there shocked. I looked into his eyes and was not breathing. Having a biological child with him, that would be incredible and something that would be wonderful to do.

"Lan Zhan?" He asked, "what do you say? Should we try? Maybe tonight? She said she will make sure there is someone experienced to help when the time comes to deliver and will also send someone to help with preparations and the process of it all. The best part is to make it though. I know how much we go and how crazy we get, so the chance is quite high."

"I think we should do it," I told him, "what happens after you take it?"

"She said a second opening will appear?" He said confused, "but it was something that we really need to think about. It will be pleasureful for the both of us and once I take it, she said my lust will go wild. So your beast mode, highly encouraged."

I laughed with him as he ate the supplement, "how is it?" I asked him.

"Very bitter," he said.

I walked over to get him a cup of sweet water and gave it to him, "this should help," I said.

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