Chapter 4

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Alright, so after my last chapter, the rest of the context can be found in my other fic. This particular chapter takes place in the morning, right before the events of the chapter 'Brotherly Bonding'. Also yes, the italics are a dream sequence, regrettably not with Harry but that'll come probably in the next chapter.

Ben talked a lot.

That was the first thing Aziz noted about him when he stepped out of the car. He talked a lot. Not that he minded, though, that just meant he didn't have to talk to anyone.

"So, your sister says you can't speak English?" Ben asked, tilting his head at him, "Can you understand it pretty well?" 

Aziz nodded in response.

"Alright, great," He said, pausing in front of a dorm, "Let me know if you need anything alright? You have my number, right?"

Aziz gave another nod, taking the key that Ben was holding out to him.

"Oh and hey, if your roommate gives you any trouble, make sure to tell me," Ben had said, "We've had a couple of issues with him in the past."

Aziz nodded for a third time, returning the small smile that Ben had given him. Aziz unlocked the door to the room, stepping inside. On one of the beds, there was a boy lying on it with pale skin and dark hair, flipping through a textbook.

"Oh, so you're the new roommate," The boy hummed, slipping off the bed and looking Aziz over, "And here I thought you guys had given up on that."

"He doesn't speak English," Ben told him, rolling his eyes, "But he can understand it well. I don't want to hear that you've done something to this one, understand?"

"Yup," The boy said, keeping his gaze locked on Aziz.

"Good luck," Ben mumbled, patting Aziz's shoulder as he slipped out of the room.

"I'm Ambrose," The boy said, holding out a hand.

"Aziz," He said, taking the hand.

The click of the door jolted him awake. He hadn't even realized he's been sleeping, not that he minded.  He did have to admit that he needed sleep.

"Aziz, how are you feeling?" His mom said, walking over to the bed, "Is it any better?"

"It still hurts a little," Aziz mumbled, "It's not that bad though, I'll probably feel better when I get back to Auradon."

"Ah, right, Auradon," Jasmine said, "We actually wanted to talk to you about that."

"Aziz, we don't think it would be the best idea for you to go back," Aladdin said, "It would be better for you to stay here."

"What?" Aziz snapped, almost jolting up, "No, you can't be serious."

"I told you he wouldn't like it," Aladdin said, putting a hand on his shoulder to keep him down.

"Aziz, we know you don't want to stay here, but it's for your own good," Jasmine said, "Both for your physical health and your mental health."

"My mental health?" Aziz asked, "You think it'd be good to isolate me?" 

"It's for your own good," Jasmine said sternly, "You're lucky we're not going to send you to a hospital when you're healed."

"You want to send me back to the hospital?" He asked, "After what that doctor did to me last time?" 

"Aziz, nothing happened to you," Jasmine snapped, "You imagined it. He was a good man, I don't see why you're so insistent on telling people that he-"

"Jasmine, leave it," Aladdin said, helping his son sit up, "We're sorry that we upset you Aziz. We aren't sure about keeping you here yet, but if you're healed enough, we'll let you go back, ok?"

Aziz could feel his nails digging into the palm of his hand as he nodded stiffly, refusing to look either of them in the eyes.

"We'll check on you later," His mother said, kissing the top of his head, "Get some rest."

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