Chapter 14

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They got to Auradon without a hitch, with not a single call coming in from either of his parents. Well, that what Aziz was assuming. He had silenced his phone and was avoiding turning it on for the drive back, slipping it into his bag.

His leg was aching, it didn't heal fully and the pain still lingered. And that paired with the lack of sleep he had gotten the night before made him want nothing more than to go back to his own bed and sleep until he was at least twenty.

He glanced over at his sister, who had slipped over to the seat next to Carlos and slipped his phone back out of his bag, being met with a string of notifications making him bite the inside of his cheek.

'37 missed calls from Mom'

That notification caused his heart to stop for a moment, his eyes widening a bit as he opened the messages streaming in from his parents, demanding to know where he was.

'Aziz, where in Allah's name did you go?'

'Running away isn't going to fix these problems.'

'Why aren't you in your room?'

'Do you think running away is going to make us change our minds?'

"Aziz?" A voice asked, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Are you alright?" 

"I'm fine," He mumbled, not bothering to look over at who it was.

'Don't you think you've caused enough stress for this family?'

'Answer your phone, Aziz.'

'When you get back, you're going to that hospital.'

'Please, Aziz, we don't have time to deal with this, stop overreacting.'

'It's for your own good, we're only trying to help.'

'Aziz come home.'

'Please, just respond, we're so worried.'

"Clearly you're not," The person said again, and this time Aziz looked up at them.

"I promise I'm fine, Jesna," He said, "It's just..."

"You feel bad for running?" She asked quietly, "Guilty maybe?"

"I can't run from them forever," He said looking down at his now turned off phone, "They're going to send me to that damn asylum as soon as I get back and then- fuck."

Jesna put an arm around his shoulder, pulling him in for a hug.

"They'll calm down by then," She told him, "They're not going to send you away."

"Am I a bad son?" He asked, quietly, his voice barely audible, "Am I that awful?"

"They're lucky to have you as their son," Jesna said sternly, "And I'm lucky to have you as my brother. Aziz, you're not awful."

"I'm causing them so much stress," He mumbled, turning his phone back on and handing it to her, "They're so mad."

"They're always mad at you," She grumbled.

Aziz could see the way her grip on the phone tighten as she read through the texts that he received. Fuck, he could practically feel the anger coming off her in waves.

"Let them worry," She said, shutting his phone off again and slipping it into his bag, "Try to distract yourself, alright?"

"I can't ignore them forever," Aziz sighed.

"But you can damn well try," She hummed, "Now get some rest, Aziz. You didn't get any sleep last night."

"I'll sleep when we get back," He mumbled.

"Fine, but avoid looking at the texts mom and dad are sending," She sighed, "Maybe block them."

"I'll think about it."

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