Chapter 19

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Listen, all I'm saying is the white rabbit's kid is non-binary, I am right, argue with the wall. Also, did you guys know that Kanin is rabbit in Danish?

Also yes this is pretty much a copy of the last one only told from Aziz's view.

Warning: Body image issues, eating disorders, and Ambr*se.

"You two are so difficult to keep track of," Ambrose hummed, and Aziz could feel his hands slide down his sides before settling on his waist, "Oh don't look so scared Xavier, I'm not here for you."

Aziz could barely register Xavier in front of him over the roaring in his ears.

"You feel thinner," He hummed, his voice painfully clear, "Not eating again?"

"Fuck off," He hissed, flinching as Ambrose moved his hand under his shirt.

His hand was so cold, causing a slight shiver as Ambrose leaned in close, and Ambrose could feel his breath against him.

"Don't worry, I'm not complaining," He said softly, "I thought you'd been gaining too much weight anyway."

Aziz shot him a glare, his posture stiffening.

"Leave him alone," Xavier said, seemingly snapping himself out of his frozen state, "Let go of him."

"He'll be fine," Ambrose hummed, leaning away from Aziz but keeping his grip on him firm, almost bruising, "Won't you, tiger?"

"Let go," Aziz snapped, trying to pry his hands away from him before lowering his voice, "Ambrose, you're hurting me."

Ambrose tightened his grip on his waist, pulling Aziz closer against him.

"Don't be stubborn," Ambrose hummed, not moving his hands, "You can go ahead and run along Xavier, I'll come find you later."

"Leave him out of this," Aziz said, shooting him another glare, "Go Xavier, I'll be fine."

"I'm not leaving you with him," Xavier snapped.

"Aw, getting all protective, Aziz?" Ambrose teased, shifting Aziz's weight slightly.

Aziz yelped in pain, his hands automatically going to grip onto Ambrose's hands as pain shot through his leg. Xavier surged forward quickly, grabbing his upper arms in an attempt to keep him up.

The sudden shift in who was holding him ended up putting more pressure onto his leg, causing him to clench his teeth, trying to keep any noise from slipping out. The pain made his head spin, almost made him sick as it jolted through his body.

"Aziz, what happened to your leg?" Xavier asked, trying to keep his voice low, "You told me it was healed."

"It is," He forced out through gritted teeth, his hands moving quickly to grab onto Xavier's arms, "I'm fine I swear-"

He was cut off by his own cry of pain as Ambrose pressed onto his back, forcing more weight onto Aziz's very injured leg. He could feel some tears, but he wasn't entirely sure about them.

"Oh, this is fun," Ambrose hummed, wrapping one arm fully around his waist as the other hand came up to turn his face to him, "At least you won't be fighting me as much."

The next events happened in a blur. Ambrose was grabbed and shoved away from Aziz. With the sudden support on him gone, Aziz nearly collapsed, feeling his leg give out under him as Xavier tried to hold him up.

"Why didn't you tell me it wasn't healed yet?" Xavier hissed, quickly unlocking the door and getting him inside on one of the beds, "It's been a week why didn't you tell me!"

"Are you ok?" He asked through gritted teeth, "You're not too shaken up, are you?"

The pain in his leg was more than agonizing, he couldn't feel anything else. 

"Am I ok?" He asked, "Are you fucking kidding me?"



Before he could continue, someone rushed into the room, shutting the door behind them. Aziz could recognize the bunny immediately, but he didn't have much energy to focus on anything else. 

"Are you both alright?" They asked.

"I'm fine, Aziz isn't," Xavier said, before he could answer, "Great timing, by the way."

"Thanks," They said, walking over to the bed and sitting next to Aziz, "Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine," Aziz said, dismissively, hoping that they would just drop the subject completely. 

He didn't want to worry them. He should have just found Ambrose that morning, none of this would have happened if he had-

"Why are you lying?" Kanin asked, cutting off his thoughts, "You're so bad at it."

"I'm not lying," He said, struggling to his feet, muffling his own pain as he gripped the bed frame, "See? I'm fine."


"He's your ex, not mine, are you ok?" Aziz asked before turning back to the boy on his bed, "Is he gone?"

"I threatened to get FG, and he left," Kanin said, "Aziz, sit down, you're hurt."

"I'm not," He said, "I said I'm fine. I promise. Xavier say something."

"Aziz I'm fine, you clearly aren't," He said, "You're stressed, and you aren't eating? Have you eaten anything this week?"

"That's not important," Aziz said.


"Xavier you know how he can be," Kanin interjected, their eyes locked on Aziz, "He'll have to admit it eventually. Just let him keep lying to himself for now."

"I'm not lying," He gritted out, sitting back on the bed, trying to soothe the pain.

Kanin didn't respond, instead opting to stare at him with an unamused, disbelieving stare.

"I'm going to call your parents," Xavier said, standing up.

Aziz's head whipped over, a frantic look in his eyes.

"Xavier, please, I'm fine, I swear," He said quickly.

He didn't even want to think about how his parents were going to react to this. Fuck a month, they'd go there now to get him.

"I'm just going to let them know," He said, "I know you don't want it, but you can't keep going on like this."

"Xavier please-"

"Kanin can you keep an eye on him?" He asked, cutting him off, "There should be some painkillers in the bathroom, I'll be back in a bit."

"Yeah," They said, staring at Aziz with a worried look in their eyes.


"Jay's gonna be here soon with something for you to eat. You better actually eat it."

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