Chapter 28

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Oh my god, I am so sorry I wanted this to be out sooner, but then my family went camping and there was no Wi-Fi and I couldn't write a chapter because got forbid my phone battery lasts-

Come on, Aziz.

Aziz shook his head again, trying to focus on whatever Mal and Jay were arguing about. He was pretty sure that they were talking about how to get off the Isle. He wasn't all that sure why they were even fighting, though.

I want to see you so badly.

He caught a glance at Xavier, who was looking at him with worry in his eyes. 

"Aziz, are you ok?" He asked, clearly trying to keep his voice as low as he possibly could.

There was a  worry behind his voice that made Aziz resist a wince. Xavier looked terrified, and he certainly had every right to be. He had bigger things to worry about right now.

"I'm ok," Aziz said, gently slipping his hand into Xavier's and pressing a finger to his pulse, "Your heart's racing. Are you ok?"

Xavier nodded, squeezing his hand and turning his attention back to Jay and Mal.

It'll be quiet when you find me.

Jay looked just as panicked as Xavier did. He looked more stressed, though. Not to say that Mal didn't look stressed, she did. They were both raised here, and Aziz figured they would know better than anyone that they needed to get off this Island. 

Jay kept glancing back and forth between Aziz and Xavier. There was an obvious worry in his eyes as he eyed them, and he was sure that the look on Xavier's face wasn't helping at all. 

"Mal, they'll die here, and I won't let that happen,"  Was what Aziz was able to pick out over the ringing and the voice.

"You think I want their blood on my hands?" Mal snapped back, "Jay, we don't know why we're here, and I don't have my magic, we have to find another way out."

"Another way out? What, you think there's just going to be a hole in the barrier?"

"Well, I don't see you coming up with any good ideas, you're too busy worrying about your stupid little boyfriend-"

"Yeah, and my brother. Do you think I want either of them to get hurt-"

He'd heard stories about the Isle, and he was sure that nothing he heard would be able to compare to the same thing.

I'm getting impatient, Aziz.

The ringing grew again, drowning out the rest of the noise around him and causing sharp pains in his head, causing a soft noise to escape him as he clutched his head.

Jay's head whipped over, and he was next to him instantly, causing an eye roll from Mal. 

"Aziz, what's wrong?" Jay asked, trying to get him to look over.

"Nothing," He mumbled, "Nothing, I'm fine."


"He said he's fine, Jay," Mal snapped, "It's probably just a headache."

"Mal, there's something wrong-"

"There's always something wrong with him, he'll live."

Slip away.

Jay rose to his feet again, continuing his argument with Mal as the voice grew again, repeating himself over and over again. Aziz glanced back over to Xavier, who's full attention was on Jay and Mal as the fight got more heated. 

There was an open window behind him, and as soon as Xavier stood, going to pull Jay away from the fight, Aziz found himself slipping out the window, his body seeming to move on its own throughout the streets.

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