Chapter 13

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This chapter can also be seen as 'Agrabah Squad Bonding pt. 2' because I love these guys so much. Great group of folks, I bet they have a group chat together.

"You know, I really thought your parents were going to keep you here," Jay hummed, glancing back at him, "Did they change their mind or something?"

"Yeah, or something," Jesna answered for him, "They figured that they were being unreasonable with keeping him here. And besides it would completely wreck his studies."

Aziz nodded, going along with his sister's lie.

"It's a good thing they let him leave too," She continued, "Any longer, and I'm sure he would have thrown himself out a window."

"It was tempting," He mumbled, "Very tempting."

"Well, I'm thrilled that you resisted," Jay said, rolling his eyes, "Seriously though I'm glad you're here."

"I'm glad I am too," Aziz sighed, "The sooner we're back in Auradon the better."

"Oh, hey, has Ozzy been texting you?" Jesna asked, "Because he's been blowing my phone up about you."

"Ozzy?" Jay asked.

"His ex," Xavier told him, "The Wonderland one."

"Yeah, he's been asking non-stop when you're getting back," Jesna said, "Has he tried talking to you at all?"

"I don't know I silenced all my notifications," Aziz said, opening the messages and seeing the string of texts from Ozzy throughout the night, "Ah shit."

"Clingy ex?" Jay asked.

"I always attract the clingy ones," Aziz sighed, "First Xavier, now Ozzy-"

"I'm not clingy!" Xavier protested.

"Yes you are," Jay said, "You so are."

"I didn't come here to get bullied."

"He's right though," Jesna hummed, "You can tend to be a little bit clingy."

"Fuck you guys, I'm not," Xavier said dramatically, turning back around.

"Aw it's ok Xavier," Jay hummed, kissing his head, "It's cute."

"Ugh, it's too early for you two to be acting like this," Jesna sighed.

"Yeah no, I've gotta agree," Aziz hummed, "For once."

The son of Aladdin and JasmineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ