Chapter 12

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Just a fun little fact that's not really relevant in this chapter, but like is fun, Harry is 6'0, and I've placed Aziz's height around 5'7-5'8 because I love height differences-

"Mom and dad are going to be so mad," Aziz hissed, ducking out of the way as a guard came into view, "They're going to lock me away for the rest of my life."

"Not if you're far gone before they find out," Jesna said, taking his arm and dragging him down the hall, "Now hurry up, before they realize that you're gone."

"Why did I let you talk me into this?" He asked, looking around the halls as if expecting their parents to show up.

"Would you rather be sent back to that asylum?" Jesna asked, shooting a glare back at him, "Because that's what they're going to do and who knows if they're actually going to take you out if those DNA tests come back."

"What?" Aziz asked, pulling his hand away, "What are you talking about?"

"You can't seriously be this dense," His sister sighed, rolling her eyes, "Aziz when they finally believe that Jay is their son, they're not going to want you anymore."

"Jesna, I'm still their son they wouldn't just-"

"They're always trying to send you away," She snapped, "They're always threatening to lock you up. They're always calling you insane, and it's obvious they don't like you."

"They wouldn't-"

"Aziz, you can let that all sink in later, but for now let's get you out of here," She said.

Aziz's thoughts were swarming. Jesna was probably right, his parents didn't like him. They always loved his brother more. 

Fuck, they'd leave him to rot in an asylum.

"Aziz?" Jesna asked, "Hey, are you ok? Why'd you stop?"

Aziz shook his head. He hadn't even realized he stopped walking.

"Hey, snap out of it," Jesna said, lightly hitting his arm, "Now once we get to the bus, you're going to duck down and stay low until we're out of sight. Once we're back in Auradon they can't do anything."

"Yes they can," He mumbled, "They can still-"

"Hey, let's think positive," Jesna said, "By the time they see you next, they'd have calmed down, and they won't be as angry with you anymore."


"Don't argue. Now hush," She hummed, "Let's get going, they'll be checking on you soon and we need you out of the palace by then."

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