Chapter 23

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Hey! So sorry for the lack of updates over the weekend, I was super busy, but here's a new chapter as an apology.

Also, warnings: Just Ambr*se and general gross behavior from him. Also, victim blaming that Aziz almost falls for. 

We don't talk about that one incident a few chapters ago, we pretend that didn't happen that was so out of character for him to do-

The comfortable silence that had formed in the room didn't last long. Aziz's phone had started going off less than half an hour later.

"Sorry," Aziz mumbled, going to grab it, "I forgot to shut it off." 

"It's fine," Kanin hummed, grabbing it first.

Going through each other's phones wasn't exactly anything out of the ordinary for the pair of them. Kanin and Ozzy both seemed to not be able to grasp the concept of privacy, but then Aziz never got any privacy, so it was nothing out of the ordinary.

Kanin read a couple of the notifications, furring their brow as they read through it. 

"Be a good little whore and come to my dorm," Kanin read out loud, their grip noticeably tightening on the phone, "Chad's waiting for you too."

Aziz's hand was there immediately, grabbing the phone from Kanin's hand. He found that he'd been placed in a group chat with both Chad and Ambrose.

It certainly said that. Among other things.

'Stop playing hard to get, tiger.'

'Just admit that you wanted it.'

'You've never complained about it before. You know you like it.'

'It always felt good in the end, right?'

"Aziz, you're not actually going to go there, right?" Kanin asked, taking his arm as if that would stop him if he wanted to leave. 

Aziz shook his head, not feeling enough energy to speak.

'Just don't freak out on us this time, Aziz. It's nothing you haven't done before.'

'Hey this is what that doctor did to him right?'

'Yeah, I bet the slut liked it then too.'

Kanin flinched away when Aziz slammed his phone hard onto his table. Aziz was shaking, that much he could tell. 

"Aziz, hey calm down," Kanin said, crouching in front of Aziz's chair, careful not to touch him, "Deep breaths ok? Do you want me to call Jesna? Or Ozzy or Xavier?"

Aziz shook his head rapidly. 

It was bad enough that he was burdening Kanin with this, he didn't need to drag his sister into this. And besides, Xavier had enough going on as is.

"Alright, do you want to talk about it?" 

Aziz shook his head again before swallowing thickly. 

"I'm sorry," He forced out, "I didn't mean to spook you, I overreacted-"

"Aziz, are you serious right now?" Kanin asked, cutting him off, "You've done nothing wrong."


"You're not overreacting," Kanin said sternly, taking Aziz's phone as more notifications came in, "This is a perfectly reasonable reaction considering everything."

"What are you doing?"

"Blocking them," They said, "On everything. Change your number next."

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