Chapter 15

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Set in between the two parts of returning to Auradon and the next chapter is going to have Ozzy in it because I love him so much, ok-

If you think you know what Ambrose is implying, you are most likely right-

"So what's up with the whole 'I can't speak English' act?" Ambrose asked, leaning against Aziz's desk, "It just seems like such a hassle to keep up."

"It keeps people from talking to me," Aziz mumbled with a shrug, "It makes things simpler."

"It's gotta get pretty boring only talking to me," Ambrose hummed, slipping into a chair next to him, "You always look so lonely."

He was a bit too close for Aziz's comfort.

"I'm used to it," Aziz sighed, trying to keep focused on his homework, "No one back home wants to be around the insane unstable prince."

"Insane?" Ambrose asked, raising an eyebrow, "What, were you in an asylum or something?"

Aziz bit the inside of his cheek, his hand pausing mid-sentence as he realized what he had just said. 

"Oh my god you were," He said, surprise clear in his voice, "You act so sane though. Was that was your freak-out last night was about?

"I am sane," Aziz snapped, "I'm not crazy."

"I mean, most people don't go to asylums when they're sane," Ambrose said, "Don't worry though, I won't tell anyone."

"You won't?" He asked, finally glancing over at his roommate.

"Of course not," Ambrose hummed, "For a price of course."

Aziz's grip tightened slightly around his pen, and he was chewing the inside of his cheek so much that he could practically taste the blood. Of course, there was a catch. There was always a catch when it came to him.

"What do you want?" He asked, "I don't have much."

A small smile spread across Ambrose's face, making an expression that Aziz had mistakenly read as comforting. He trusted Ambrose. This was his friend.

God, he was such a fucking idiot.

Aziz jumped when he felt an arm slip around his waist, pulling him a bit closer to him.

"Don't look so scared, Aziz," He hummed, "We're friends, remember? You can trust me."

"I do trust you," Aziz said, quickly, worried that he had offended him somehow, "I do, I promise."

"Good. Now I have quite a few ideas for how you can repay me for keeping your secret."

Aziz jumped as he was shoved awake.

"Aziz, get up we're here," Jesna said, nudging his arm again, "I thought you said you didn't want to sleep."

"I didn't," He mumbled, getting up, his hands gripping the seat in front of him, gritting his teeth as he felt pain shoot through his leg.

"Hey, are you alright?" Xavier asked, noticing his obvious discomfort, "Is it your leg? Do you want me to take a look at it again?"

Aziz shook his head, swallowing the pain as he shifted forward, picking up his bag.

"I'm fine, Xavier, don't worry about it," He said, shooting him a small grin.

"I'll check it out when we get back to the dorm," Xavier said, "How did you sleep the entire way here yet still look so exhausted?"

"I'm a man of many skills," he hummed, his grip still tight on the chair as he stepped forward. 

Xavier and Jay both glanced at the death grip Aziz had on the seat, then exchanged a look between each other, concern obvious in their eyes.

"Well, we should go get our things put away," Xavier said, taking Aziz's bag, "I'll catch up with you in a few hours, Jay."

"I'll see you then," Jay hummed, kissing his boyfriends head, "And get some rest, Aziz, you need it."

"I'll try," He mumbled as Xavier took his arm, shifting some of the weight off his more injured leg, "Xavier?"

"Come on, let's go," He chirped, not paying Aziz any mind as they got off the bus, "You need sleep."

Wow, Aziz, is really trying to hide the fact that his leg is in fact still broken and not fully healed yet, huh? It'd be a shame if I used this in a later chapter and make the injury worse-

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