Chapter 7

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Harry gets to speak more in this chapter.

He wasn't on a ship this time, or an asylum. Now he was in a bedroom, sitting at the edge of a bed. It was small, nothing too interesting in the room, other than the boy sitting up against the headboard. 

The muffled talking was back again, he could hear it coming from somewhere below the room. It was chaotic and louder than it usually was, and was starting to give him a headache. Well, as much of a headache as someone can get when they're dreaming.

"You're back," The boy said suddenly, causing Aziz to stiffen up, his head turning to the boy.

The boy, Harry, Aziz assumed, eyed him for a moment, sounding almost disappointed when he said, "Your clothes are different."

"Is it always so loud?" Aziz asked, surprising himself when he found he could actually speak to the boy. 

"I always wondered what you sounded like," Harry hummed, shifting closer to him, almost as if he was gliding, "You're such a quiet little prince."

"Who's under us?" Aziz asked, ignoring the comments.

"My father and his crew," He said, "Rowdy aren't they?"

"Can they hear us?"

"Darling, neither are actually here right now."

Aziz tilted his head, glancing back at the little opening that had a ladder attached to it, where most of the loud muffled noise was coming from. 

"Is it overwhelming to you?" Harry asked, "You can't hear them well?"

Aziz shook his head.

"I get it," He hummed, "Same thing happens to me whenever I see you."

"You've had dreams of me?" Aziz asked, a light blush dusting his face. 

"Quite a few," He hummed, "You're beautiful."

The blush dusting his face grew and became more intense. He opened his mouth to respond, but quickly found that words were no longer able to come out. His vision blurred, starting with the surrounding scenery and moving slowly to Harry. 

"I suppose this is goodbye, then?" Harry hummed, eyeing him as the darkness grew around him, "For now at least."

The darkness took over quickly and Aziz felt like he was falling. The panic shot through him as he fell, bracing himself for an impact. It took a while for it to come, but eventually he landed. He could almost feel the all too familiar, cold concrete floor below him and winced when the bright florescent lights took over his vision. 

He didn't know if he was relieved or terrified that he didn't age down when he took in his surroundings. Usually he was younger during these dreams, they were just remixed memories. Nightmares. Now he was 16 in that godforsaken asylum instead of 8.

He got to his feet, trying the door, not really being surprised when it didn't open. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest when he heard the familiar noise of a cart and footsteps echoing outside the hall. 

It was loud. It was so much louder than he remembered it being. Fuck, was it always this loud?

He had backed himself up against the wall behind him when he heard the door lock click before it opened. A man walked in with a cart, his face blurry. His mouth was moving, but nothing but a static like noise was leaving it, hurting his head. The panic grew in him as the man approached him.

He wanted to get the man to leave him alone. To get away from him as he approached him. Aziz wanted to run, but when the man's hand gripped his hair, he found himself unable to do anything but follow along with him as he was dragged over to the cart.

The man shoved him down, jerking his head back with the grip he had on Aziz's hair as he picked up a syringe off the cart.

"Please," Aziz gasped out, barely able to get any air in his lungs as tears filled his eyes, "Please no... not again..."

The static came back as the man's mouth began moving, hurting his head more as the man moved the syringe to his neck.


"Just hold still," the man's voice said suddenly, "You can handle it."

"Fuck Aziz, wake up! You're having a nightmare."

"No, no, no, no, no please-"


In case anyone is wondering, they can only communicate with each other in this chapter due to them both having been asleep during the time. So basically the sleep schedules synced for a hot second.

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