Chapter 26

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Sorry for the delayed chapter, I meant to have it out yesterday, but I'm catching up on all the sleep I lost during the school year + work, but not to worry I'll try to have the next chapter out as soon as I possibly can.

Aziz lingered at his locker for longer than he really intended to. His head had been light all day, and he could hear a dull buzz somewhere in the distance. He didn't know where it had come from, let alone why it was there. He found himself allowing his thoughts to wander, lingering on his dreams the night before. 

The asylum always found its way back in. He never seemed to be able to escape it, no matter how desperately he tried to. He knew his parents wouldn't allow him to stay there forever, he really had no hope that they'd let him stay for another few months.

Then he'd be back in the asylum. Back with that doctor that hurt him too young.

Aziz shivered at the thought of it, snapping himself out of his own thoughts as he shut his locker. He turned quickly, making his way down the hall as his thoughts began to drift again. 

He was always tired there. They were always putting him to sleep. His doctor never wanted him to be awake.

He was easier that way.

The bright lights of the hospital still hurt his eyes, and there were times that he was convinced he hadn't left. Auradon really liked their lights, and the ones in his dorm were almost exactly like the ones that were in the hospital. They were bright, they made his eyes hurt, and he hated him. Ambrose never really paid  him any mind, but Xavier had decided to dim the lights a little more, claiming that they hurt his eyes as well.

"Aziz, there you are!" Someone exclaimed, suddenly grabbing his arm and jerking him back, ripping him out of his thoughts.

An embarrassing yelp left his mouth as he stumbled back and out of the middle of the hallway. He was turned around quickly before he had a chance to react in any way to the person, who still had a tight, borderline painful grip on his arm.

"Jordan, let me go," He snapped, jerking his arm away, "Why'd you have to go and grab me like that?"

"I'm sorry," She sighed, though she didn't look very sorry about it, "Can you talk to Jay for me?"

"Talk to Jay?" He asked, tilting his head slightly, "Why did something happen?"

"The little thief stole my lamp," She snapped, "I need you to get it back for me."

"He did?" Aziz said before shaking his head, "Well, bad habits are quite hard to break aren't they?"


"Fine, fine," He sighed, "I'll get your lamp back."

"Thank you, Aziz," Jordan sighed, "I didn't hurt you too bad, did I?"

"My arm still hurts."

"You'll live," She said, rolling her eyes.

Aziz sighed, turning and making his way down the hall. If he was finding Jay, his best bet would most likely be somewhere that Xavier was. Aziz knew from that morning that Xavier had mentioned that he was going to spend lunch with Mal in the  library, so he decided that his best bet would be there. 

The dull buzzing in his head grew as he approached the doors to the library. It didn't hurt or anything, but damn was it annoying. He did his best to brush it off and ignore it as he entered into the labyrinth of a library and wandered around. There was no real direction in here, it was having been built by some architects from Wonderland. There wasn't much sense to it, but no one really complained. About 20 minutes into his wandering, Aziz heard familiar voices.

"There you are!" Aziz sighed as he spotted the group, "Jordan is pissed at you."

Aziz pretended not to notice how Jay and Xavier's eyes both flickered to his leg, trying to find any sign of a lingering injury.

"What did you do to Jordan?" Xavier asked, furring his brows as he glanced over at Jay.

"It's not that bad, it was an accident really," Jay started, taking something back from Mal, "Look her lamp's fine!"

"You took her lamp?" Mal asked, raising an eyebrow, "Jay, have you not learned your lesson?"

"I mean, last time I did this I got a cute boyfriend out of it," Jay said, gesturing to Xavier, "There wasn't all that much to learn."

Aziz rolled his eyes, slipping into a chair across from Jay.

His brother stole another glance at him, before quickly turning his attention back to the other two.

"What are you three up to?" He asked, looking curiously at the open spell book. 

He'd never really gotten that good of a look at it. He'd caught glimpses at family day, but that was about it. Mal didn't really like leaving it out for just anyone to see.

"Mal was showing me some of her spells," Xavier said with a shrug, "Can we not skim past the part of Jay stealing my sister's lamp though?"

"I wasn't gonna do anything with it," Jay insisted, rolling his eyes.

"It's a shame I couldn't use any of these spells on the Isle," Mal sighed, sliding the book back over to her.

"Can you imagine if there was magic on the Isle?" Jay asked, "Fuck, it'd be terrifying."

From what little Aziz knew about that Island, he was sure Jay was right. And besides, it would be much more difficult to keep people there if magic was allowed. 

"You know, I wish we could go back," She said, leaning back in her chair, "We left so many kids on that Island. I want to check on them.

Jay looked like he wanted to say something, but before he could get it out, the lamp on the table started to glow and produce a blinding white light that over took their vision.

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