Chapter 22

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The mad hatters kid is also nonbinary, you can argue with a wall. Also wonderland lore drop chapter-

Also yeah, Kanin talks a lot of shit about Ozzy and is just flat out insulting him at some points during this chapter, they're mostly kidding around but like-

Also fun little fact, both Ozzy and Kanin can shape-shift into an actual cat and bunny respectively. It's not in this chapter but like it'll be in the later ones-

"Kanin, you know I can be alone, right?" Aziz asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend as he eyed the rabbit following him down the hall, "I'm just going to the library."

His leg hurt significantly less than before, and the limp was almost completely gone. He'd definitely have to thank Xavier for it later at dinner. 

"Yeah, I know, but Rose and Carroll are busy and Ozzy's with his dad,"  Kanin said, glancing back up him, "You don't want to leave me all alone, do you?"

"You know, that innocent little bunny act only works when people don't know how violent you can be," Aziz deadpanned, rolling his eyes at them, "what about Hattie?"

"They're helping their dad at the tea shop right now," They said, sending them a smile before their eyes lit up, "Oh, maybe we can drop by after you're done catching up!" 

"I'll think about it," He hummed, making his way back to the library, "You're going to be studying too, right?"

"Yeah, I care about my education," They said, absentmindedly checking the stopwatch around his neck while adding, "I'm not Ozzy."

"Ozzy cares about his education," Aziz said, setting his bag down at the table.

"He ditches most of his classes and is late for everything," They said, rolling their eyes, "It'll be a miracle if he passes this year.

"Kanin," Aziz said, glancing over at him in a warning. 

"What, it's true," They said, pulling out some of their own work, "Come on Aziz, he's not very smart."



"Ozzy is very smart," Aziz said, "And you shouldn't talk about your friend like that."

"I was kidding," Kanin said, quietly, "Was I doing it again?"

Sometimes it was hard to differentiate what was just friendly teasing and what was serious when it came to the wonderland kids. Ozzy was always ended up being the target of most of the group's teasing and jokes, and most of the time he took it well, joking and teasing right back with them. 

It was especially hard to tell with Kanin. Years of suppressing any emotion in the red queens court with their father had left them with a difficult time with tone delivery and realizing the emotions of those around them. They adjusted easily enough to Auradon, but that was definitely something they needed to work on. Their tone seemed to remain the same, even no matter what they were saying, and while in some cases that was a good thing, this was not one of them. They seemed to just default to that in all situations. 

The twins were like that too, but that just came with their mother being the red queen.

Not that Aziz could blame any of them. From what he'd heard, being under the Red Queen's rule was a living hell, being detached both mentally and emotionally just made it easier for them to survive. Lord knows that too much of any emotion could piss off her majesty. 

"Yeah," Aziz said, carefully putting a hand on his, "We'll work on your tone delivery more later, ok?"

"You're not gonna tell Ozzy I said all that, are you?" They asked, eyeing them carefully.

"No, I won't," He said, leaning back in his chair, "You seriously have to work on that though."

"I'm trying."

"I know you are," Aziz hummed, "And you've been doing so well."

"You really think so?"

"Of course I do, bunny."

This is more of a fun filler chapter before I hit you all with more Ambr*se as well as Chad slut-shaming Aziz as well as just being general dicks.

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