Chapter 34

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"What were you thinking, running away like that?" Jasmine asked, causing a small flinch out of her son.

"Mom, don't blame him, it was my-" Jesna tried, getting cut off with a look from her father.

Aziz couldn't bring himself to look up at his parents. He was sat on his bed with Jesna hovering closely next to him and both his parents in front of him. He tried to busy himself with fidgeting with his sleeve. He'd rather be scratching his arms, but he'd rather not give his parents another reason to say he was ill.

"You were going to send me away," Was all he was able to force out.

Why did he run away? He knew what was going to happen. He knew they were going to find him. It was stupid of him.

Fuck, he was so stupid.

"We weren't going to send you away, Aziz," His mother sighed, "That wasn't what we were going to do."

"But you said-"

"You must have misheard me, darling," She said, cutting him off and cupping his face, "We'd never send you away. You're our son."

"No, you told me that you were going to-"

"Aziz, listen to yourself, you're confused."

His mother's voice was sweet and kind, almost mockingly so. It was comforting in a way, especially after how angry she sounded over the phone.

"Mom, he didn't mishear anything," Jesna snapped, "He's not crazy."

"It's been a stressful time for him," Jasmine said, sitting next to him on the bed, "Getting kidnapped can do quite a bit to your mental state."

The buzzing was back, louder this time. It seemed to feed from the confusion that Aziz was feeling. Had he actually imagined it? He couldn't have, it was so clear. He couldn't have just imagined it. The more he thought about it, the more the buzzing seemed to grow, and soon enough he was feeling something shoot through his veins. 

"I don't want to go back," He said, trying to force himself into thinking of something else.

"Go back?" Jasmine asked, raising an eyebrow, "To Agrabah?"

"To the hospital," He said, trying to keep his voice level, "You said you were going to send me back there."

"Aziz, we wouldn't do that to you," His mother said, "You're upset. Maybe you dreamed it? You've always had trouble differentiating your dreams from reality."

Aziz shook his head but didn't say anything else. He didn't have the energy to argue with his mother. He actually felt tired.

"If anything is upsetting him, it's you," Jesna snapped, grabbing his arm and pulling him away.

"Jesna, we're only trying to help," Jasmine said, standing with them, "He's not-"

"If you say he isn't stable one more time, I swear to god I will-"

Whatever she was going to say was cut off with a soft knock on the door. 

"That's probably Xavier, I'll get it."

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