Chapter 30

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The voices silenced as Aziz's eyes landed on the man in front of him. 

"Oh, look at you," Harry hummed, leaning forward and tilting Aziz's head up with the cold metal hook in his hand, "You're shaking like a leaf."

"Are you Harry?" Aziz managed to force out, flinching away from the cold touch. 

"You're not Jay," The pirate noted, eyeing the boy with a sort of amusement in his eyes, "He wouldn't have to ask."

"You're right, I'm not," Aziz said, feeling his back press against the wall.

"I would have hurt you by now if you were him," Harry said thoughtfully, pressing the hook against Aziz's neck, "You look so similar."

"Are you still going to hurt me?" Aziz asked, trying his best to keep the fear far away from his voice.

"Oh, no, you're too pretty for that," He hummed,  taking a step back, "Stand up."

Against his better judgment, Aziz obeyed, getting up to face the man. Harry was taller than him, not by much, it was only a few inches. He wasn't quite sure, but Harry seemed more attractive in real life.

"You're definitely not from around here," Harry said, stepping closer to him, his gaze raking over Aziz's body, "You don't have a mark on you, darling."

Aziz flinched back when he felt the hook back on his bare skin, the sharp point keeping his head tilted up and facing him. 

"Are you scared?" He asked, lowering his voice.

"No," Aziz found himself saying, sounding more confident than he felt, "Why would I be?"

Harry stared at him for a moment, a sort of amusement shining in his eyes, and that's when Aziz realized just how close the two of them were. Their bodies weren't physically touching at all, other than the hook, but they were close enough that Aziz could feel the heat radiating off of Harry's body.

"We're not alone," Harry mumbled, so low that Aziz almost didn't catch it, "Hello Jay."

Harry's hand found its way to tightly grip Aziz's arm as he was quickly pulled off the wall, his back finding itself pressed against Aziz's chest as the hook pressed into his neck. In front of him, Jay was in fact there, and his glare looked downright murderous. 

"Let him go, Harry," He said, his voice eerily calm.

"No," Harry hummed, dragging the hook lightly up Aziz's neck, "He's so pretty, I think I'll keep him."

"Aziz, you were told to do one thing," Jay snapped, turning his attention to his brother, "Can you not follow directions?"

"I couldn't hear you," Aziz forced out, not daring to move as the Harry's hand slipped around his waist.

"We'll talk about this later," He said again, his eyes flickering back to Harry, "He's really not worth it Harry. There's not much to him."

"Oh, on the contrary," Harry said, tilting his head and Aziz could feel the grin on his face, "He looks so much like you. Do you think it's the same under all these layers?" 

"So this is all because he looks like me?" Jay asked, raising an eyebrow, "Just say you're desperate, Harry, there's no shame in admitting it."

"Jay-" Aziz tried, feeling Harry's grip on him tighten.

Jay shut him up quickly with a look, before his attention was turned back to Harry.

"Just let him go, Harry," He said, "He'd fight you too much to get anything good out of it."

"Oh, you're a fighter, are you?" Harry asked, tilting Aziz's head up with the hook, "You're not being very convincing, Jay."

Once the hook was away from Aziz's neck, the next events were a blur. Harry stumbled away from Aziz, and he could hear something like a metal pole clattering on the ground. A hand grabbed onto Aziz wrist, and a second later he was being dragged down the alley.

"Is he going to be ok?" A voice that Aziz could recognize as Xavier asked, glancing behind them.

He sounded shaken up himself, his eyes wide as he kept looking behind him as if expecting someone else to be following. 

"He's got a thick skull, and you don't hit as hard as you think you do," Jay snapped.

The grip Jay had on him was almost bruising, and there was an anger in his voice that terrified him. Aziz could feel his heart racing as the fear spread through his body.

"Jay, please let go-"

"And, what let you run off again? Fuck no."

"Jay, you're holding him too tight," Xavier tried to interject as they approached the entrance to the loft.

"You could have been hurt, or so much worse, Aziz," Jay said, raising his voice and ignoring the flinch he had caused.

Mal had pushed herself off the wall that she was leaning against, watching the three of them. 

"Xavier, what happened?" She asked.

"Jay, I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you-"

"You just never fucking think, do you?" Jay snapped, his grip tightening, his other and coming up to grab Aziz's upper arm. 

His tone was something similar to how his own parents had spoken to him in the past. The anger in his voice didn't help with the comparison either. 

"We found Aziz with some guy that Jay called Harry," Xavier told her, the worry obvious in his eyes as he watched the pair of them.

"Let go," Aziz gritted out, trying to pull his arm away.

It hurt, and while Aziz knew it was plenty deserved, he didn't need to like it. Jay reminded him too much of his mother when he did something wrong. 

"What were you thinking?"

"Jay, you're hurting him!" Xavier exclaimed, reading the expression on Aziz's face and grabbing onto Jay's arms in an attempt to drag him off. 

In an instant, Jay released him, stepping back from Aziz. There was something behind his eyes, a kind of guilt that was gone as soon as it appeared. Also, very similar to his mother. 

"I didn't mean to worry you," Aziz said, repeating his earlier words while backing away from his brother, "I'm sorry I really didn't mean to."

"Yeah, well, you did," Jay said, "I thought you were going to get yourself killed, Aziz."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sure you are," He scoffed, "We'll continue this when we get back to Auradon. Mal found a way to get us back."

No, Jay is not good at apologizing, nor will he apologize for this incident in the next chapter. Don't worry, though, Aziz is very used to being hurt and not getting an apology after the fact :).

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