Chapter 21

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All I'm saying is that if I had cat/bunny ears and an attractive man wanted to gently pet me, I would let them without complaint and Kanin and Ozzy are gonna show that-

Anyway, the drawing above is of Kanin and I think they're very cute, don't be fooled though them being cute is just a guise for how much of a badass they are. They fucking folded Ambr*se, and we aren't gonna act like that didn't happen. For the record, yes, this is my art.

Oh, and warning: Eating issues/disorders, but it's more briefly mentioned. This one is a lot softer than the last two.

"I can't eat anymore," Aziz mumbled, pushing the bag away from him.

He hadn't eaten much of it. He didn't eat half of what was in there, but anything else, and he was convinced he was going to be sick. In reality, he had stopped eating a few minutes ago, opting instead to keep his arms around Kanin and scratching behind one of their ears.

"Are you sure?" Jay asked, eyeing him worriedly.

He hadn't said much while he was there, but he didn't leave. He was concerned for him, they all were, much to Aziz's dismay.

"Yeah," He mumbled, pulling Kanin closer to him, "I'll eat at dinner tonight."

"I'll make sure he does," Kanin said before Jay or Xavier could argue, "He hasn't eaten in a week, he'll need a bit to adjust to eating. You two should probably go catch your afternoon classes."

"And leave him alone?" Xavier asked, raising an eyebrow, "Yeah, I don't think so."

"He won't be alone," Kanin hummed, leaning back against Aziz, "I'll be with him, don't worry."

"Don't you have classes too?" Aziz asked them, eyeing them.

"Well, I mean yeah," They said, sending them a small smile, "Besides, Ozzy's with his dad today and since he's not around, I'm the replacement emotional support hybrid."

"How  noble of you," Aziz teased.

"How's your leg?" Xavier asked, "Don't lie this time."

"It feels better," Aziz said, "I promise."

"You'll keep an eye on him, right?" Jay asked, addressing Kanin.

"I doubt he's going to let me go," They said, "Not that I'm complaining, he's good at petting."

"Alright," Jay sighed, "Aziz, take it easy ok? Try to eat more if you can, but if not, I'll come get you for dinner."

Aziz only nodded, pressing his face against the back of Kanin's head. He didn't watch them leave, but he could hear the door shut behind them. Once he heard the click, he lifted his head again, raising a hand and scratching behind one of Kanin's ears, not bothering to repress any of his emotions from earlier.

"You know you look great, right, Aziz?" Kanin asked, "You look beautiful?"

"Kanin, stop it," He mumbled, rolling his eyes, "I wasn't starving myself because of that."

"Right, you thought you didn't deserve food," He mumbled, "That you were disappointing people?"

"Kanin, I don't want to talk about this right now," He humbled against them, "Please I-"

"Aziz, I only want to help you," They said, sitting up, "And you know I can't do that unless you tell me what's wrong."

Aziz bit the inside of his cheek, trying to avoid their eyes as he mumbled out a response.

"They used to not let me eat," He mumbled, "When I did something wrong."

"'They?'" Kanin asked, "Are you talking about your parents?" 

Aziz shook his head.

"The doctors."

"At the asylum?"

The asylum wasn't a secret to anyone in Auradon. Thanks to Ambrose, everyone knew that he'd been locked in there. Some, more than others, knew about the more... gritty details. Kanin and Ozzy knew more than most people. Hell, they knew more than Jesna and his parents. They learned about it on accident at first. They had snuck a bottle of alcohol to him and the three of them ended up downing all of it. Turns out, Aziz is quite honest when he's drunk.

"Yeah," Aziz mumbled, "At the asylum."

"Aziz, you don't have to do that to yourself anymore," They said, "You're not there, and it's not healthy."

"I don't want to worry anyone," Aziz said.

"What do you think starving yourself is going to do?" Kanin asked, pulling away from Aziz's grip, "Do you honestly think we aren't going to be worried? Aziz, we aren't your parents, we actually are concerned for you."

"I'm so hungry," He mumbled, a hand clutching his stomach.

"I'm sure you are," Kanin said, pulling out a muffin from the bag, "See if you can handle that."

Aziz nodded, taking it from someone.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kanin asked, moving back next to him, "I know it helps you process things better."

"You'll listen to me?" Aziz asked.

"Yeah, of course," They said, "I only want to help."

"Thank you," He mumbled, "I gotta say, you're a decent emotional support bunny."

Kanin rolled his eyes, letting Aziz wrap his arms around them.

"Really? I let you pet me and hold me and all I get is decent?" They asked, putting a hand over their heart, "I mean I know your go-to is Ozzy, but damn."

"Don't bring Ozzy into this," He hummed, scratching behind their ears again.

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