Chapter 31

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"How do we get out?" Aziz forced himself to say, doing his best to avoid Jay's eyes. 

He was staring at him, and the last thing he wanted was to see the anger behind it. Aziz had caused both him and Xavier stress, and the last thing that he wanted was to see that. The guilt was eating him enough, he didn't need to add to it.

"Xavier here remembered that it was a wish that brought us here," Mal said, "So logically, a wish should get us back. Those two just wanted to find you before it was made."

"Sorry," He mumbled, dropping his gaze to the ground. 

"You should be," Jay snapped, "Make the wish Mal."

Aziz flinched lightly, stealing a glance over to him and Xavier. The latter was clinging to Jay's arm in what looked like an attempt to hold him back as he took a step closer to Aziz. Xavier caught his gaze for a moment, giving him a small smile.

"Make sure you word it right," Xavier added, turning his attention back to Mal, "Wording is important."

"How should I word it, Xavier?" Mal asked, sounding rather annoyed with him, "Since you seem to know so much."

"Mal," Jay warned, "He's a genie, I think he knows how his own magic works."

"I'm asking him how to word it, how did I do something wrong?" Mal asked, raising an eyebrow.

Aziz glanced between the two of them, trying to figure out what had happened for this kind of tension to have formed. He'd probably have to ask Xavier about it later, but from what he could tell, Mal probably didn't appreciate any of his input.

"Wish us into the lamp," Xavier said, stepping a little behind Jay, "Jordan'll probably kick us out but at least we'll be back in Auradon."

"Won't that piss your sister off more?" Aziz asked, tilting his head at them.

He'd never been on the receiving end of Jordan's temper, but he'd witnessed it before. God, if it was terrifying to watch, he could only imagine what it felt like to be on the receiving end.

"Oh yeah," He said, "She's gonna be so mad."

"Lovely," Mal said, rolling her eyes, "I wish for the people in this room to be taken into the lamp."

For a long moment, nothing happened, and Mal snapped her head over to Xavier.

"You said it would work," She growled out, "Genie magic is different here and not as affected."

"Woah, Mal, relax," Jay said, pulling Xavier further behind him, "We didn't know if it'd actually work, he didn't know."

"He was so insistent-"

"Because he was right," Jay snapped, "Genie magic can still work here."

"And you're so sure?" Mal snapped.

"My father's magic still works here, Mal-"

Anything else that could have been said was cut off as a bright light filled the room. The flash faded almost as quickly as it appeared, though this time around the landing wasn't as graceful, as they fell onto the cushions and pillows splayed across the floor.

"Jordan," Xavier said through an awkward smile, "Hey."

"You all have so much explaining to do," His older sister growled out, glaring down at the group in front of her.

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