Chapter 40

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Featuring Xavier dead ass giving Aziz bedroom eyes.

"Wait, so he broke up with you?" Aziz asked, raising an eyebrow, "On the day I left?"

"Yeah!" Xavier huffed, falling back on the bed, "And he just ignored me for months after! He didn't even give me a reason! He just outright refused to tell me!"

"You've talked to him about it, though, right?" He asked, leaning back and propping himself up on his elbows to talk to him, "Or, I guess, you tried?"

Xavier huffed again, seeming rather annoyed with the mere thought of it. 

"I tried to," He said, glancing back over to him, "But he didn't want to talk to me." He groaned, grabbing one of the pillows and burying his head in it, his voice muffled as he said, "I don't even know what I did wrong... I don't think I did anything."

"From what I saw, you guys were going great," Aziz said with a shrug, "Did something happen on the Isle?"

"I don't know what happened," He exclaimed, lifting his head, "I don't think I did anything? I might be wrong, but we were happy."

"Well... sometimes things just happen," Aziz said, patting Xavier's shoulder, "Relationships don't always work out, you know?"

"I just wish he told me," He sighed before taking a deep breath and sitting up again, "But enough about me. What have you been up to lately? What have you been doing in Agrabah?"

"Oh you know, the usual stuff," Aziz said, waving his hand dismissively, looking up at the ceiling, "Mostly working with tutors and stuff, but otherwise I was catching up on sleep."

"Sounds relaxing enough," Xavier hummed, "Gosh I can't even remember the last time I slept properly. With Cotillion next month, I've been too busy."

"Oh that's right," Aziz clicked his tongue, "Take it you can't skip this time around, huh?"

"Nope," He sighed, "Can't exactly just skip out on something I helped plan. That and Ben would never let me, he'd have my head."

Aziz made a small hum of understanding, falling back to properly lie against the bed, the two of them remaining in a comfortable silence for a long moment before Xavier sat up again.

"Maybe I can bring you to Cotillion with me!" He said with a grin, "Since I'm obviously not going with Jay."

"I mean, I won't complain," Aziz said with a small shrug, "If Ozzy's not gonna complain about it."

"He told me he was going to ask Kanin," Xavier said with a shrug, "Or at least he was going to try to. He hasn't quite worked up the nerve yet."

"Aw poor thing," Aziz hummed, grinning a bit, "Does Kanin know he plans to ask?"

"Oh please, they're waiting eagerly," Xavier said rolling his eyes, "Or I suppose, impatiently."

"It's so strange seeing them get along so well now," He said, smiling, "Especially after their start? God, it was so rocky, it's a wonder they ever got along."

"Oh yeah, you should have seen them the last few months," Xavier hummed, laughing a bit, "Ozzy couldn't keep his hands off them, and it was like they were attached at the hip."

"Well, he's always been clingy," He said with a light laugh, "They'd be cute with each other."

Xavier nodded in agreement with a small smile. The pair of them fell into silence and Xavier shifted to lie down, his head in Aziz's lap and his arms wrapped loosely around his waist. 

"You got thinner," He murmured, but didn't say much else apart from letting out a light sigh as Aziz started running his fingers through Xavier's hair. 

"I've been eating," Aziz hummed, lightly scratching Xavier's head, "Well, more than I was before I left."

"Have you really been out of that hospital for five months?" Xavier asked, glancing up at him, "I just don't understand why even Jesna didn't know."

"Yeah," He sighed, his head falling back, "My parent's pulled me out and then kept me in the palace to make sure that nothing bad would happen."

"Nothing bad?" Xavier asked, shifting around and sitting up again, this time placing himself in Aziz's lap and straddling his waist, his arms around Aziz's shoulders.

Aziz didn't mind the new positioning, it wasn't all that unusual of a positioning for the two of them. Of course, the two of them hadn't behaved like that since Xavier began dating Jay, but Aziz supposed that with the break-up, Xavier had really just stopped giving a damn.

"Yeah, the new magic kind of freaked my parents out," Aziz mumbled, his arms wrapping themselves loosely around Xavier's waist, "I mean, I can't really blame them for that. Look at the mess I caused before I left."

"I heard about that," He said softly, his eyes half lidded as they locked with Aziz's, "I've never seen magic react in that way before. At least, not since..." He shook his head, "But that's interesting. You didn't have it before, or else it wouldn't have lased out like that."

"I... I don't know what happened," Aziz mumbled, leaning in and allowing his head to rest against Xavier's chest, "I remember getting stressed out and being terrified, and then it got really bright."

"Jesna told me that it looked like you were having something like a panic attack," Xavier said gently, softly petting his hair, "Magic is heavily tied to emotions, that's probably why it lashed out like that." He was quiet for a moment before eventually adding, "My brother's was the same."

Aziz glanced up at him, wanting to learn more about it, but not pushing the subject as he nodded, lifting his head and holding Xavier by the waist as he held him close. 

"Aziz?" Xavier asked after a beat of silence, "Can I ask you something?"

He'd gone back to looking at Aziz with the half lidded gaze he'd seen Xavier give to Jay whenever he wanted something.

"Yeah, of course," He hummed, "Anything you need."

Xavier's gaze flickered down to Aziz's wrist.

"Take off the cuff," He said softly, carefully taking Aziz's wrist in his hands, "I want to see your magic."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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