Chapter 6

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Just so everyone knows, the whole Mal dreaming of Ben thing is canon in the books. The two dreamed about each other before they met in Isle of the Lost, the descendants novel. Also, this is a bit shorter because this next chapter is going to be dedicated entirely to the dream.

"So these dreams," Mal said once her and Jay returned to the room, "They're of Harry Hook?"

"I guess?" Aziz said with a shrug, "I don't know the guy that well."

"Well, it might not be magic," Mal said, "Although I do know what you're going through with it. I used to have dreams about Ben for years before I knew him."

"Yeah, but you two ended up together," Jay pointed out, "With any luck, Harry will never leave the Isle."

"Jay, I think we need to have another talk about how to act around your ex's," Mal said, rolling her eyes, "But yeah, it's pretty common for people to have dreams about future partners."

"Dreams this vivid?" Aziz asked, tilting his head.

"They are not future partners," Jay said quickly.

"That does pique my interest," Mal told him, ignoring Jay's comment completely, "How vivid did you say these dreams were?"

"I'd say pretty vivid," Aziz said with a shrug, "It's only really Harry, though. And he only started speaking directly towards me once."

"That is interesting," Mal hummed, "Very interesting, hey, would you mind writing everything down the next time you have a dream like that?"

"Why wait?" Jay asked, "You got any spells that can monitor dreams, Mal?"

"I mean, I could probably find one," Mal said, "Would you be ok with us poking around in your head, Aziz?" 

Aziz hesitated for a long moment.

He didn't have anything awful to hide. Logically, it would be fine for them to be observing his dreams. There wasn't anything bad, and he knew that.

Then again, his dreams were either of this boy, Harry, or they were about things he tried desperately to suppress. 

"If it's not about Harry," Aziz said slowly, "Can we keep it between us?"

"Of course we can," Jay said, glancing at Mal who nodded.

"Alright. Go ahead then."

The son of Aladdin and JasmineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora