Chapter Five

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When they looked around, all eyes are on Frank and Fletcher. Some of them were disgusted, some of them were amused.
Frank and Fletcher then ate their spaghetti very awkwardly and Frank then pays the check and The two boys left the restaurant very awkwardly and embarrassed. They ran out from the restaurant and into Frank's house to chill for the rest of the night.

Frank's house doesn't have anyone in the house. None of his parents or his sister is at home which is a perfect personal time for the two of them.
They went into Frank's room to chill and have a small personal party for themselves. They drank a lot fizzy drinks like cola and dr. pepper. Frank then makes a ponytail for himself and wears a white radiohead t-shirt and black shorts. He then goes to his computer to watch the news. Fletcher looks around grabs looks at his stuff.

- You have a really pretty rocking taste there.
- I know, i'm just like jocelyn sometimes but sometimes i'm not.
He then turns off his computer and then sits beside Fletcher and looks at him very closely into his eyes.
- You look like a nice version of Eddie brock from spiderman. - Said Frank
- Thank you, i appreciated that.

Frank then goes to turn off the lights and then both boys lay down on the bed. Frank tells Fletcher that he loves him. Fletcher tells him that he loves him too. Frank then gets up and turns on the lamp and sits beside Fletcher. Fletcher tells Frank that he is gonna show him something. Frank tells him what is he gonna show him.
- Well, Lay down on your bed and i'll show you.

Frank does what he tells him to do. He lays on his bed and looks at him. Fletcher then goes on the bed and puts his legs where Frank's legs was between them. Fletcher looks at the celling and then stares at him. Fletcher looks at him closely and says:
- Here it is.

Fletcher then stands up on his knees and slowly takes his shirt off as Frank sees his body. His Body was actually more detailed of how he looks. His body was very big like a buff soldier, Frank sees how his hand was from a giant hand to a big Burly arm which shows his veins a little bit. His pecs were very big and round and his abs were almost visible. Fletcher digs up into Frank's shirt, touching his skin from Frank's skinny body. Fletcher then lifts up Frank's Radiohead shirt and presses his Buff body into Frank's torso. Frank starts to feel shivers as Fletcher's body touches his. Frank and Fletcher starts to make out which purposely turns into a hook up. After they hook up they slept together as Frank sle eps in Fletcher's pecs and Fletcher hugs Frank.

Frank woke up in the morning and Realises that Fletcher is missing on his bed. He then crawls off the bed and fell from it. He raised his head up and stands up but then he fell. When he almost fell, Fletcher caught him right in time and stands him up.

- Woah there, man. I dont want you to get hurt. Come on, Let's get some breakfast.

Fletcher helps Frank walking to the kitchen and makes him sit down at the table. Frank was very sleepy so he dosed off at the table. Fletcher tries to push him to wake up but Frank didn't wake up so he decided to slap jhis back but that actually wake him up and he screamed. Frank starts hitting him but Fletcher calms him down. Frank then looks at his family members sitting at the table. Frank's eyes went from normal to Shocked. Frank was terrified to see his mother, father and sister, seeing him with his Boyfriend-to-be. Frank starts to have a Huge piece of anxiety and hides himself.

- No, No, No son! don't be afraid! We will support you no matter what! - said Mark, calmly.
Frank then climbs up to his chair and then looks at Fletcher. Frank then tries to talk but his anxiety grows more. Fletcher tells his family members that he can't talk right now and Fletcher walks Frank into his room and they both sit down.

- Come on Frank! Just calm down, Your father told you that he can support you no matter what!
- I know...but......I was because.... I thought that... they are gonna... hate me!
Frank starts to have a panic attack and Fletcher tries to calm him down but then he lifts his shirt and puts his face to his chest. Frank calms down and then gets Relaxed. Frank then hugs his chest as Fletcher hugs him tightly.

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