Chapter Six

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May 26th, 1997

Frank and Fletcher were now officialy a gay couple and they decided to spread their secret to the whole school. Some of the people were shocked and some of them support except for the bullies. Chad and his goons start to bully Frank even more for being a disgusting gay pervert. Chad made him trip and fell off the ground, They call him disgusting names, hits him and puts him int the locker but Frank wasn't crying nor depressed, he actually doesn't care and continues to enjoy his school year.

At 2:00pm, Frank was sitting alongside Alan, Chris and Jocelyn. Alan asked if Frank was ok and he said yes. Frank was explaining that he actually doesn't care about it. Chris awkwardly says:
- Well, Okay! If you don't care then maybe we should continue talking about Rock music.
- Woah, Woah, Woah! You can't just change the subject, Chris. - Said Jocelyn
Chris stays Quiet and listens to what Jocelyn is saying.
Jocelyn's face turned into a Frown as she explains about a guy named Mufasa who has been into this school and she feels guilty for not saving him. Frank asks about who is that guy. Jocelyn decided to Explain:
- Mufasa was my childhood best friend. We became friends when we were toddlers and we've been inseprable ever since. But suddenly after that Event, he stopped going. I was heartbroken.

Frank was very sorry for his Best friend being upset about her childhood best friend. So he decided to tell her his address and She actually gave him the address of where he is now. When the are group are about to leave at 3:00pm, Jocelyn tells Frank that Mufasa is free in Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Frank completetly accepts and went home.

When Frank went inside the home, his mother was washing the dishes and asked Frank how was school. Frank said it was fine and he went to his room to talk to his Boyfriend, Fletcher. Fletcher can't believe that his boyfriend was bullied because he was a Gay pervert even tho Frank is Bisexual. Frank tells him not to worry because he doesn't care about it.

Fletcher says okay and they continue to talk about what happened at school. In the Evening, they went into the Brunchdale forest to play around and make out with each other. The trees were absolutely stunning and beautiful and leaves were springful and green. Frank and Fletcher sat down at the tree and they looked above.
- Look at the trees above us, don't they look beautiful? - Said Fletcher.
- Well, of course! If it turns dark, it will be spooky!
- Woah there, October isn't around the corner yet.
Frank snickered and kisses Fletcher in the cheek. Fletcher starts to blush and gives him a kiss too. They make out again in the Brunchdale forest.

At Jocelyn's house, Jade was talking to her Stepmother, Lisa about the twins' Religious psychotic mother, Mary. Lisa then tells Jade that their mother was released from the institution.
- OUR MOTHER IS RELEASED FROM THE INSTITUTION? - screamed Jade very loudly. Jade then realises she screamed that sentence so much that Jocelyn heard it. Jocelyn then screams - Our mother is what?.

Jocelyn then storms to the living room, angry and furious.
Jade then sees how her older twin sister looks and she knows that she is actually serious. Jocelyn then grabs the phone but Jade pulls it away from her. Jocelyn and Jade started to pull the phone while, they scream at each other. Jade tells to her sister to calm down but Jocelyn demanded her younger twin sister to give her the phone. Jocelyn then slaps Jade and grabs the phone.

- Lisa, tell me this is a joke! Please tell me this is a joke! - Shouted Jocelyn on the phone.
- Jocelyn, baby! I'm sorry, but it isn't a joke. - Said Lisa through the phone.
When Jocelyn heard it, her face was in full of rage and then hits the phone to the wall. Jade then grabs the phone as Jocelyn storms out. Jade apologized the thing that happened to Lisa. Lisa then tells her it's okay and hangs up. Jade puts down the phone and comes to see her sister. Jade sees Jocelyn crying in her bedroom and Jade comforts her. Jocelyn said that she doesn't want her hideous mother in the house.

- I don't want that Bitch in my Fucking house, i don't want that bitch in my fucking house! - Said Jocelyn in a Crying voice.
Jade feels sorry for her older twin sister and hugs her tightly and tells her it's gonna be okay.

While in the bus, Frank gets out of there and walks into the cold street of Brunchdale. He then looks around of which block Mufasa is in. He checked the paper and it said '' Block 25B, 4th floor apartment 12 ''. and he looks both sides. '' Block 25A '' and the other was '' Block 25C '' and he realises that he is at the right block and he goes in.

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