Chapter Fourteen

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Charla and Frank then sat down at the benches to wait for Gale to come over. After many minutes later, Gale came.
Gale and Charla then gave themselves a welcome kiss and shake hands. They then sat down on the bench and begin to speak:
- Hi Charla, how are things?
- Great, I have been into struggles of going to college. - Responded Charla.
- Aww, that's okay! I hope you erased that stress next time. - Said Gale.
Charla then gave Gale a present for the 4th of july...a necklace!

Gale put the necklace on and the gems of the necklace sparkles as the sunlight shines through it. Gale says thank you to Charla and hugs her. Frank smiles as Gale hugs his sister. Frank then tells Gale that they need to get the little boxes out of Gale's cupboard. They went into Gale's house to bring all of the gifts to Frank's house. One by one, they put them in the a plastic bag and left the house immediately while Charla waited for them.

While running to Frank's house, Louis then appears makes Gale trip on his foot falls to the ground, spilling the gifts out of the plastic bag. Louis laughs and then says:
- Hah, look at you! Now you are dirty!
- Leave her alone, Louis! - Said Frank!
- What are you gonna do? Cry to your mommy? - Louis then laughs and runs away.
Frank and Gale then helped themselves up and puts the gifts back in the plastic bag and continue to walk back to Frank's house.

In an alleyway of the city, Louis is smoking alongside with Chad and Michael, talking about girls and bitching about their bodies. Chad then picks up another cigarette and says:
- So guys, me and Katerina are going on another sexy date at a fancy expensive restaurant.
- Wow, that was very cool and romantic, dude! - Said Louis.
- When are you gonna have sex? - Said Michael.
- Pretty soon, dude. Pretty soon.
Louis then tells the boys that he is gonna buy some more cigarettes from a store. When he got out of the store, he sees Jocelyn, moving her finger which makes the sign of coming towards her. Louis thinks Jocelyn wants him to bully her so he meanfully come to her and says nasty things her.

Jocelyn was smilling because she didn't care. Louis notice that Jocelyn wasn't crying but actually enjoying it, but he doesn't know that Jocelyn is planning something.
- Hello? Hey ugly, are you even listening to me?
- Yeah. - Responded Jocelyn with an evil grin.

Jocelyn slaps Louis and then corners him at the back of a building. Jocelyn begins to rip his clothes, especially his shirt, his sleeves and also his pants. She then pulls up her mini knife and kills him. She then puts the body in a dumpster and walks away from the evidence.
- He will see what he had done in the other side.
Whispers jocelyn quietly to herself.

Frank and Gale have arrived at Frank's house to put the gifts at a box and Frank puts the box in his drawer. Frank and Gale then meets up with Jocelyn, her best friend, Mufasa and Gale's boyfriend, Chris to buy 4th of july decorations.
They tell to each other to buy everything that is needed for the party. Frank and Mufasa for the food and Chris, Jocelyn and Gale for the decorations and clothes for the party.

Frank and Mufasa had bought some pretzels, sweets and also stuff to make some snacks for the party.
Jocelyn, Chris and Gale bought outfits with the american flag on them and red, white and blue decorations for the american spirit of all the americans out of the state.

It was 7:02pm, the party starts at 7:20pm so the friends are getting ready to go to Frank's house for party. Frank dressed up with a blue t-shirt with an american sign on it, alongside with red pants and Red, blue and white shoes and Gale, on the other hand puts on a black dress with a red, blue and white collar.
Chris wore a black jacket and a t-shirt with the american flag on it. He has white pants and Red and blue shoes.

While in Jocelyn's house, Jocelyn trims 2 inches of her hair and puts it in a ponytail while her twin sister, Jade gets a perm. Jocelyn dresses up in a red short dress with comfy pants and blue shoes alongside, with her white fur coat. Jade wore a long blue dress with red shoes.
Mufasa wore his hair on a ponytail. He wore his buttoned shirt which is the same shirt when he went into Frank's house. He wored red pants which has a star pattern and blue Grey shoes which are the same size as Mufasa's big feet.

13 minutes later, it was now 7:15pm and Mark alongside with his teenage children, Frank and Charla were waiting for Charla's friend, Paula to come down. Charla was wearing a Blue feathered coat with a red flowery dress and Peridot-Green shoes.
A moment later, Paula came out of the her front door, wearing a green short dress with pink fluffy shoes.
Paula goes into the car and Mark drives back to the house to get the party started.

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