Chapter Fifteen

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Mark went back at his house to start the 4th of july party. When they came back, they saw Frank's friends decorating the party with Karen's help. The food was done by Karen, the decorations were placed perfectly for the party. But unfortunately, they didn't bought any fireworks so they couldn't use them. There is the perfectly made mini sandwiches, Apple juice, fizzy juice and other drinks. Gale drank a lot of those drinks which kinda annoys people because they needed a drink too. Gale told everybody that she needs to stop being pretty.

Jocelyn was there in the party alongside with her lover, Sylvie and her sister. Chris and Gale are chilling at the backyard and flirting each other while sipping some drinks. Jocelyn and the others grabbed a lot of sandwiches that there are almost no sandwiches at all.
Back at the backyard, Gale tells Chris that she is going to the bathroom because she drank a lot of fizzy drinks. Chris lets her and waits for her.
She opens the backdoor and goes into Frank's house to pee. it was pretty dark because, all of the lights are off.

Gale went into the bathroom and closes the bathroom door. Suddenly, a mysterious stalker came from the balcony of the house and slowly walks towards the bathroom where Gale was peeing in. The stalker peeked through the door to see Gale in the bathroom, but Gale didn't even noticed that the stalker is there.
Back outside, The friends were having a great time, especially for Frank and Fletcher. But they didn't know what danger is Gale gonna be at. Gale flushed the toilet and lets down her dress after she was done. She then opens the bathroom door and the stalker attacks her. Gale easily apprehends the stalker and beats him. When Gale grabs a weapon and tries to kill him, he wasn't there. She then puts it back and goes outside. Chris noticed that Gale was panting and was kinda sweating a little bit.

- Are you okay? Is everything alright? - Said Chris.
- Nothing! There's Nothing wrong!
Chris thinks that there is something wrong with Gale, but he then forgets it.

It's been hours and everyone were blasting Nirvana and Radiohead in the party on their radios, but not for Frank. Frank was sitting on his swing bench, looking and staring at the grass. Fletcher comes along and notice that his boyfriend was sitting on the bench, miserable and bored. Fletcher comes and sists beside Frank and asks him:

- Frank, what's wrong? Isn't the party not fun for you?
- Nope, it wasn't. It wasn't fun for me.
Frank then looks away from Fletcher but Fletcher hugs him with his big burly arm.
- It's okay, Frank. Let me cuddle you whenever you are feeling down.

Frank then leans down and lays on Fletcher's thigh, looking at the sky. Fletcher kisses Frank's cheek and snuggles him. Frank then stands up and is about to walk away but Fletcher stops him.
- Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going? Come back!
Frank then looks behind at Fletcher and goes and sits on his swing bench. Frank then pulls up Fletcher's shirt and puts his head on his abs. Fletcher then starts to talk about the stars and different kind of stuff which makes Frank feel comfortable and happy. Suddenly, Frank sees the fireworks exploding in the night sky and as Fletcher stands up, the boys kissed as the fireworks blew in the sky.

2 days later, July 6th, 1997

Frank was shopping with his mom in their local supermarket. He and his mom are buying things that are for dinner. Peas, meat, vegetables, fruit and dairy stuff. They ordered the things they need and they got out. Frank saw Katerina walking out of the mall with 10 bags of Gucci and Chanel. Frank rolled his eyes and continue to walk home with his mother. When they came back, he saw his dad sunbathing on the front yard. Frank gets annoyed and walks to his dad and says to him:
- Dad, why are you even sunbathing in the front yard?
- Why shouldn't i? Said Mark.
- You know what? Nevermind....

Frank then walks into the house to help his mother for the cooking. His sister whoever, is watching her favorite tv show. After he has done his helping with his mother. He walks back into his room and gets a phone call from Gale. He picks up the call and was terrified when he listened to what he heard.

- Frank, there are some strangers that found a dead body in a junkyard. I called Jocelyn and told the description of the dead body and she hung up on me!
- What does the dead body look like?
- Blonde hair, chartreuse eyes, pale white skin, she looks about 17 or 18?
- Wait, that's what Clarice Macher looks like! - Responded Frank.
- What? - Said Gale.
Frank explained that Clarice Macher was the evil lover of Mufasa Schwartz, Jocelyn's Childhood best friend. The last time he saw her was when she was walking out of Mufasa's apartment.

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