Chapter Sixteen

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Frank and Gale called all of their friends, especially Chris, Sylvie and Jade for a big plan that they need to do. They decided to make the plan in a local cafe which is kinda near to Frank's house. All of the friends went into cafe. Gale, Jocelyn, Jade, Chris, Sylvie, Mufasa, everyone. They sat down in a seven seated table and begin do to this plan. Some of them didn't know what's going on.

Frank explained that Clarice's body was found in a garbage bag in a junkyard and the friends were shocked and their faces look weirded out. Frank was worried that Jocelyn is gonna go to jail, but Jocelyn tells everyone that she killed but not just Clarice, but she killed 3 of the bullies: Louis, Elle and Mikki.
Frank and others were shocked but the most shocked one was her twin sister, Jade. Jocelyn then looks at Jade and says to her:

- Yes, i did kill those 3 whores. But, i got away with murder! - Said Jocelyn.
- Actually, Jocelyn made me kill the other one too, so she did 3 murders and i did 1. - Said Sylvie.

Mufasa then talks to everyone about the plan and Jocelyn suggests a plan for the friends.
- How about i should kill everyone that i and you hate and then we can pretend that nothing happened and it would be some mysterious murders, okay?
Everyone signed and said okay except Jade.

She said that it's not right to do that but she had no choice but to join so she cannot get disapointed by Jocelyn. Jocelyn teared a little because she doesn't want to do it, but her brain tells her that she needed to so she can get the stress out of her head. The friends kept a promise that they should never tell everyone that Jocelyn killed those teenagers.

At Katerina's house, the mean girls were drinking homemade mimosas that they made with orange juice and champagne. The girls were almost drunk and their faces were covered in glam makeup. Michael was hanging out with Roxanne while the other two girls were removing their makeup.
Eloise was drinking a lot of Mimosas which makes her the drunkest of the three.

Katerina was her turn to remove the makeup, Eloise removed her makeup already and was waiting for Katerina to walk out of the makeup room. While Eloise was waiting for here, Roxanne and Michael came to tell Eloise and Katerina that they are going to Roxanne's house to make romantic and sexual stuff in her house. Katerina accepted that offer for Roxanne and She and Michael left the house. Eloise drank her last Mimosa and puts her champagne class on Katerina' golden counter. She then went back to wait for Katerina to wipe her makeup.

- Are you Kidding me? The mascara is literally getting everywhere on my face!
- Did you try to wipe it? Said Eloise..
- I tried about 9 wet napkins but now it's everywhere!

Eloise then goes to get an another mimosa but then Jocelyn who was disguised as a killer, slashes Eloise's chest and then her throat. Eloise starts gurgling blood as she falls to the oground. Her blood starts leaking from her throat and her chest to the marble floor. Jocelyn drags Eloise's body from the marble floor to outside. She holds her body and then throws the body into a lake nearby.

At the Next day, Frank and Gale were sitting on the bench of a park, talking about Jocelyn's secret killing Spree. The two friends were scared that instead of Jocelyn getting arrested for the murders, they will probably get arrested too. Frank then hears his phone ringing from his pocket. He picked up the call and it was Jocelyn who was calling him.

- Hey guess what?
- What? - Responded Frank.
- Yesterday night, i killed Eloise and i thrown her body into the river.
- Okay, did anyone witnessed you? - Said Frank.
- No! - Katerina was doing her makeup when i killed Eloise.

Gale was shocked when she heard that Jocelyn killed an another bully of their high school. Frank tells Jocelyn about the bodies that they are gonna hide, but she tells him that she and her girlfriend didn't hide 2 of the bodies they killed. Jocelyn hid Clarice and Louis but she didn't hide Elle and Mikki because both of the girls left immediately from Katerina's house. Frank and Gale were scared that the bullies were gonna tell the police. Jocelyn tries to calm Frank down by telling them that they didn't probably care about them and throw them somewhere where nobody cannot find them.
Gale and Frank were relieved that those bullies did that because, every bully is like that. They don't care about their friends, nor their parents. They only cared about themselves.

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