Chapter Twenty

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A month later, August 15th, 1997

Today is Mufasa's Eighteenth birthday. Frank woke up at 6:00am in the morning. He was feeling tired because it was very early in the morning. He checked his calendar and the date is August 15th. At first it was some normal day, but then he remembers what Mufasa said about the date of his birthday.
- August 15th...August 15th... it's his birthday!
He realises that he is gonna turn Eighteen today. He then gets a phone call from Mufasa. He picks up and hears Mufasa's voice from the other end.
Mufasa responds:
- Hey Frank! Guess what day is it.
- It's your Birthday. - Said Frank.
- Yeah, I'm Eighteen years old. I'm now an adult!
- Bro, calm down! You are still in high school.
- Are you dumb? Didn't I tell you that i quit school a year ago? I've told you three months ago!
Frank then remembers what he told him three months ago and laughed.
- Sorry, some people can forget what people tell like months ago.
Frank and Mufasa giggled and laughed.
- So, where are you gonna start the birthday party that you are gonna have?
- Probably, in my apartment? I'm not pretty sure.
- Dude, it's your birthday. You need to be sure where the party is gonna be.
- Did you talk to your mother about it?
- Yeah, she said in my apartment.

Frank responds:

- Oh cool, What time?
- 8:00pm. - Said Mufasa.
- Alright, did you call the others? - Said Frank.
- Not yet, but I will tell them later in the day.
- Okay, I will see you at 8:00pm.
The boys said bye to each other and they end the call. Frank went back to bed and lays down and thinks about what is he gonna give to mufasa. A shirt? A book? A picture? A BALL? Frank has no idea what to buy for him.

At Jocelyn's apartment, Jocelyn and Jade were excited and were preparing gifts for Mufasa's birthday. Jade bought a notebook so he can write some stuff in there, while Jocelyn was making a portrait of Mufasa. She never drew that amazing before but she did it for a present for her best friend that they've been for fourteen years. Lisa was making blue, yellow and pink cupcakes with sprinkles and cherries. She puts the cupcakes she made into a big food container and puts the top on the food container.
- What are you makin-
Jocelyn stops as she walks into the kitchen to see Lisa putting cupcakes in a big container.
- Are those cupcakes that you are putting in that container? - Said Jocelyn confused.
- Yes, sweetie. The party cannot be good without cupcakes!
- Ok, but how are you gonna carry them with that container into the car.

Lisa says that she will try her best to not mess them up, while driving them to the party. Jocelyn goes to her room and then calls Mufasa to tell him where should the party start. Mufasa said the party is going to be in his big apartment which is where Frank met him.
- Dude, Isn't it gonna be so loud? I'm just worried that the people who are below your apartment are gonna have a lot of complains about it
- Don't worry, who cares about them? It's always like that with teenagers in parties.
Jocelyn sighs and says:
- Alright.
Jocelyn hangs up before her sister, Jade came into her room.
- Did you make his present for his birthday? - Said Jade.
- Yes, do you want me to show it?
Jade says yes.
Jocelyn shows a painting of Mufasa's portrait. Jade was suprised and clapped because the painting was very detailed and fabulous. The red hair, the shape of his face, his details... it was amazing. - Are you going to show it to him? Said Jade.
- Of course i would show him! - Answered Jocelyn.

After she said it, Lisa responded.
- Are you guys ready to go? - said Lisa.
- Yes, Lisa! Let me get the painting!
Lisa and her stepdaughters put their gifts in the car and they drove away to Mufasa's apartment. When they went to the complex which is where Mufasa's apartment is, the mothers of the teenagers were there.

Jocelyn and Jade went inside, while Martha, Karen and the other mothers went out to a bar nearby.
Jocelyn and Jade were going up to Mufasa's apartment , while Jocelyn was holding a giant painting and the container of the cupcakes and Jade only caring
a notebook. Jade knocked on the door and Mufasa opened the door.
- Wow, you got a lot of presents! - said Mufasa.

- Yeah, and we got you some cupcakes that are made by my stepmother! - said Jocelyn.
Mufasa let's them in while "Running up that hill" was playing. Everyone was here! Gale, Chris, Frank and her boyfriend. Everybody! They were drinking fizzy juices like cola, sprite, fanta, fizzy water and also fruit and vegatable juices. Gale and Chris were making out at the balcony, while drinking fizzy water. Jocelyn and Sylvie were dancing with Frank and singing the lyrics, while the music was playing. Fletcher and Mufasa were chatting about their relationships and what were they doing. Hours later, they were about to be ready to cut the cake. Everyone has sat down on the table and ready to blow the candles. Everybody started to sing happy birthday to Mufasa.

- Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Mufasa!
Happy birthday to you!

Mufasa uses his big breath and blows the candles, making everyone cheering and jumping up and down. Everybody ate the birthday cake and then continue to party untill they so tired, that they plan a slumber party so they can stay for the rest of the night, sleeping in Mufasa's Apartment.

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