Chapter Seventeen

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Later that day, Jocelyn was having an important conversation with her father, Phil about her religious mother. Jocelyn couldn't take it anymore of her mother and Phil was concerned and worried about Jocelyn's psychotic behavior and he thinks his wife was ruining her behavior and the way she acts. Phil doesn't know what to do about his ex-wife controlling his older twin daughter's mind. Jocelyn was stressed and her tears starts streaming down her face because she knows her mother is not gonna leave her alone. But then she thinks about how to get rid of her mother from her life and the only option that can help for her, was to kill her mother. Jocelyn goes to her room to prepare to kill her mother. She puts her mini knife in her drawer of her nightstand. Jade and Lisa came home with groceries on their hands. Jocelyn ate dinner alongside with her family. She creeply stares at Mary, seriously and terrifyingly.

Fletcher was showering in his bathroom. He starts washing the shampoo off his hair before he leaves the shower. He grabs his robe and puts it on. He got out and lays on his bed to watch TV. He thens hear his phone ringing so he picked it up.
- Hello? - He responded.
- Hey babe! It's me, Frank.
- Good morning, babe. What are you doing? - Responded Fletcher.
- I'm combing my hair! What about you?
- I just took a hit shower this morning.

The conversation between Frank and Fletcher started pretty good. They were chatting about the great times that they had when they started dating. But then the conversation changed when Fletcher asks Frank about Jocelyn.
- So, are we gonna keep that secret about Jocelyn's secret murders to the afterlife or...
Frank interrupt his sentence.
- I don't know, but probably we should keep the secret like years later or to our graves.
- I think we should keep it to our graves but I don't know.

Frank and Fletcher kept having this conversation for about half a hour. Frank told his boyfriend that she killed an another minion of Katerina which was Katerina's slave and bratty friend, Eloise. Fletcher was stunned for about a second but then responded:
- How many people in your thoughts does she have to perish?
- I don't know... approximately three-four remained.
- Count them! - Shouted Fletcher.
- Michael, Roxanne, Katerina and... maybe Chad?
- Okay. - Responded Fletcher.

Frank asked him if he is keeping Jocelyn's murderous secret and Fletcher answered that not he is only keeping the secret, he is also trying to forget about it which was maybe good for Frank. Frank and Fletcher ended their call after a two-minute conversation that they had about Jocelyn. When they ended the call, Frank calls Mufasa to check if he is keeping Jocelyn's killer secret. Mufasa responded that he is very good with keeping secrets and he can keep any secret that Jocelyn tells him because she was very close with him since they were toddlers. Frank called every friend that he has been at the plan to tell if Jocelyn's secret was kept by them especially her girlfriend, Sylvie. Sylvie, at the moment was actually going to Jocelyn's to give her company and comfort her.

In the afternoon, Jocelyn was putting her disguise to kill her mother. She puts on her short blonde wig and puts on a Black dress which has the same length and similar details as Mary's white dress. She removes her cross and piece sign necklace and puts on larger cross necklace. Jocelyn takes scissors that she had in her room. She puts on black plain shoes and walks out of her apartment, ready to perish her abuser.

The outside was very foggy so she couldn't see but she tried her best to search where her mother is. She obviously knew that she is always at a small church because the church was her comfort place so she can stay away from her '' demonic devil '' family. Jocelyn gets in the church and she was there. Jocelyn knew she could always be there because it was Mary's comfort place. Mary was facing back, telling the jesus christ statue to take her with him because of her non-religious family.
She said:

- Please my lord, take me with you! I need to get out of this family that i have! They never pray, one of my daughters hate you, please take me!
Jocelyn smirked because the way she said the sentence, sound like she's being overdramatic. Jocelyn knows that she despises god and jesus but not because they don't exist, but because they both reminded her of her strict mother. She still believes in both of them but her strict mother made her hate them. Jocelyn starts to walk towards Mary while she was praying for jesus to take her.

When she was already behind her, Mary notice that someone behind her. When Mary turned around, she started screaming as she sees her daughter, wearing the same short hair which was wig and the same dress but with a black color which Mary despises. When she screamed, Jocelyn stabs her throat with the pair of scissors. Mary starts gurgling with saliva and blood and starts stepping away. When She pulls out the scissors, blood starts spraying out of her cut-opened throat. Mary falls to the ground and bleeds to death.
Jocelyn cleans the bloody scissors using the water of the sink when she goes home. She washes the black dress and drys it outside at the balcony.

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