Chapter Twenty-Four

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At the next day at 5:32am, Mufasa wakes up from his sleep. He moves his bloomy red hair away from his face and puts his feet on the floor. Mufasa stands up from his bed and goes out from his bedroom. His mother, Martha was sipping coffee on the table and was having eggs and sausages for breakfast.
- Hey Mom! - Mufasa speaks to his mom.
- Hi Honey, good morning. - Martha answers back with a tired and raspy voice.
Mufasa says good morning to his mother and goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He drinks the whole glass before sitting alongside with his mother and sees the breakfast that his mother made for him. There was a sandwich with ham, lettuce and cheese.

Mufasa puts his arm on the table and lifts his forearm up and puts his cheek on his hand. Martha sees her son, looking worried.
- Hey, it's everything okay baby? Said Martha in a sweet calm voice.
- It's just.. - Mufasa stutters a little.
- It's just i'm worried about Jocelyn.
Martha puts her coffee on the table and stares into her own son's eyes, concerned and serious.
- Why? What's wrong with her? - said Martha.
- She is committing crime, she is killing the teens in my former school.

When Martha hears the sentence, she gives Mufasa a serious look in her eyes. Mufasa starts eating the sandwich. He chomps the ham, lettuce, cheese and bread in his mouth and gulps it down to his throat. He takes another bite of the sandwich and gulps the piece as well.
- So you are telling me that Jocelyn, who has been your best friend since 1983 is now killing the teens in your former school? - said Martha.
- Yes! Mufasa answers. - And me and her friends were trying to help her get away with those murders.
Martha then thinks for a second and then says:

- Well i wanna call the police, but i can't because taking her to jail will make her even more worse and you won't like it if your best friend is in jail. So i will try my best to help your friend.
- Thanks, mom! - Says Mufasa as he comes to hug his mother.

7 hours later, Jocelyn was dancing and bouncing on her bed, listening  to ''Master of puppets'' by metallica in her radio. Jocelyn was making metalhead moves like sticking his tongue and uses the rock sign on her hands. She then jumps on the floor and dances crazy like a metalhead. Lisa opens the door and Jocelyn turns off the music quickly.
- Hey, turn it back on! You don't need to turn that cool heavy music you are listening.
- Okay.

Jocelyn turns it back on the radio and the song continues to play. Lisa asks if Jocelyn wants a salad for lunch. Jocelyn says yes and Lisa closes the door and goes back to make Jocelyn's lunch. Jade was sitting on the table and eating her lunch. Lisa was cleaning the dishes and dances as the music from Jocelyn and Jade's room. Jade laughs when she sees her stepmother dancing does the same moves as Jocelyn.

- Lisa, that's so freaking funny that your dancing. Have you been a metalhead before? - said Jade.
- Yes, I was! I was a metalhead from 1981 to 1990. I wish i could buy some, but i guess i'm too old for this.
- No, you are not! The members from Metallica were probably on their 30's and they still wear those things.

Lisa explains that back then, her father forces her to quit being a metalhead because it produce satanism according to him. She says that her father was like Jocelyn's mother. Very religious and very obsessed with god. Jade was suprised that Lisa lived the same way as Jocelyn. Lisa then tells Jade that after that, she moved away from her father. Jade said that she was proud that Lisa moved away from her father. Lisa tells her thank you and gives Jade a kiss on the forehead and continues to wash the dishes and dances.

Jade finishes her lunch and goes to her and Jocelyn's room. Jocelyn was still dancing and jumping and still making crazy moves. Jade chuckles a little as she watches her sister dancing. - You have great dance moves, Jocelyn! - She said. - Thank you, sis. I love metallica so much, especially nirvana and Radiohead. - Jocelyn answers with chill and kind voice. She kisses her sister's forehead and Jade starts dancing alongside with Jocelyn. They started singing, dancing and screaming the lyrics. Lisa starts laughing at the other room as she dances more and melts the lyrics from the song that is playing from the other room.

3 hours later, Gale, Frank and his boyfriend, Fletcher were in a taxi, going to hang out in a bench near a park and helping each other making proof for Katerina and Chad to be blamed and be imprisoned. The trio got a sketchbook so they can make a gigantic proof full of the bullies planning to kill the other people that Jocelyn already killed. They use a lot of drawing and detailing to make a perfect fake proof for the bullies to be arrested. When they were done, they went in a cafe and returned to their neighbourhood to show their friends the fake proof they made for the bullies.

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