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Derek's mom was talking, she was probably telling some great story that she would love and all she could think of was that she wanted to be anywhere but here. She had kissed Derek, Mrs. Shepherd's son. That was bad. She shouldn't have kissed him, or he shouldn't have kissed her.  It was a great kiss, a hot and amazing kiss. But it shouldn't have happened and now, she wasn't exactly sure what Mrs. Shepherd was saying.

If she knew that Meredith wasn't listening, she'd probably worry and still be kind. But she'd want to know why Meredith was distracted. And Meredith couldn't tell her that she had made out with her son, and felt her son begin to get hard beneath her. Not that she had no noticed that it had almost started, but she couldn't tell his mom that.

"Do you want some more coffee, dear?" Mrs. Shepherd said, after finishing her story.

"What?" Meredith's head turned, "Oh...no...I'm good."

"Are you okay?"

"Oh...yeah I'm fine." Meredith forced a smile, looking around the kitchen.

"You look tired." Mrs. Shepherd smiled.

"Oh I um...I went to bed late." Meredith replied. "So, how is the new Grandbaby?"

"She's gorgeous." Mrs. Shepherd grinned. "A little colicky...but other than that she's wonderful."

"I saw her picture on the fridge." Meredith breathed, as the garage door began to open. "So um..."

"Mom...do we have any white pa...Meredith." Derek said.

"I um...I can go and you can see Derek." Meredith said quickly, putting her coffee mug down.

"No...Derek, there should be a can of white paint either in the garage or in the attic." Mrs. Shepherd said.

"No he was gone for a year and you probably want to see him." Meredith breathed.

"I see him everyday...all day." Mrs. Shepherd laughed.

"Oh." Meredith frowned, looking up at Derek. "Hi."

"Hey." Derek smiled.

"I um...this is good coffee Mrs. Shepherd." Meredith whispered.

"Oh, thank you honey." Mrs. Shepherd smiled. "Derek, do you want some?"

"No...I'm good." He breathed, not taking his eyes off of Meredith.

"We don't mean to keep you Derek." Meredith swallowed. "You um...if you have to paint..."

"I actually...now that you're here...there's something I wanted to show you."

"Oh...." Meredith frowned.

"It's some medical journals, some stuff from my intern year that I thought you'd like." Derek said.

"Oh um...I can't...sorry." Meredith smiled weakly, before taking a sip of her coffee and turning towards Mrs. Shepherd.

"I think that's actually a great idea." Mrs. Shepherd smiled.

"Oh that's okay." Meredith said quickly. "I don't want to leave you...you're the one who invited me over and that would be rude to leave so I'll stay here."

"I actually need to make some cookies for one of Derek's sisters...She's busy and they need something for one of the kids school things. So, you go ahead."

"Um...But I...."

"Go ahead, Dear." Mrs. Shepherd smiled.

"But I want to make cookies." Meredith replied. "I know I um...burnt them the last time you tried to teach me but maybe this time I won't."

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