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"Good morning, Mom." Derek smiled, coming into the kitchen as his mom sat at the table reading the newspaper.

"Hello Dear." Mrs. Shepherd replied, looking over the paper.

"How was dinner with Mrs. Roth?" He asked.

"It was great." She replied, pausing over her cross word. "Five letter name for sex-tape hotel heiress....Derek I don't know the answer."

"Paris?" He laughed, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Oh is that the cute little blonde who is friends with that Lionel Richie's daughter?"

"Yeah...I guess you could say she's cute."

"I just hope she realizes that sex tape was a mistake." Mrs. Shepherd sighed. "I'm sure she's just a classy girl who made a mistake."

"She's classy alright." Derek laughed, sitting down at the table.

"Meredith has me watching this silly little show...Keeping up with the Kardashians...you know the girl with the big....bottom."

"Seriously? Mom..."

"What? I'm hip." His mother said quickly. "Meredith said I should watch these things so that I know that the kids are watching. It's all because I walked in on little Ryan and Toby watching a rap video."

"You don't need to be hip." He shook his head. "You're my Mom."

"Oh calm down Derek." Mrs. Shepherd replied. "It's not like I'm going to get a belly ring like Meredith."

"Meredith has a belly ring?" Derek looked up.

"She got it last summer...she said she wanted to do it because it was something she would never do when she started her internship." Mrs. Shepherd replied. "It's cute but I don't think people need to pierce their buttons to look cute."

"Okay...Can we change the subject? I don't like you talking about belly button piercings and the girl on TV who has a big ass."

"Would you rather talk about Lindsay Lohan?" His mother frowned. "Meredith can't stand her...she says she's a....oh what was the word...."

"Whore?" Derek smirked.


"What? You asked me."

"I didn't ask you to say...that word."

"Fine...a promiscuous young lady."

"No....oh Slut."

"That's better than whore?"

"Don't worry dear...I got mad at Meredith for her language choice as well." His mother replied, finally putting the paper down.

"You're like the language police." He laughed, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Is that a good thing?"

"No. It's not hip."

"I'll have to ask Meredith about it."

"You do that."

"I plan to."

"Okay...Have you done anything else besides watch Entertainment Tonight since I was gone?"

"I went to visit your sister...I stayed a week with Nancy. I went to a Broadway show with Meredith." Mrs Shepherd replied. "She took me for my Birthday...I hope she didn't spend too much money. She'd had remembered me saying I hadn't seen one in years."

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