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The house was perfectly quiet, everybody gone but him, as Derek sat in the kitchen trying to put into words his experiences in Africa. The director of the program had asked him to put together a journal but the words just weren't coming, because all he could think about was Meredith. He hadn't seen her since they had sex, and he could only assume it was because their start of work was getting closer and they were running out of time to define what they were. He shook his head to clear his thoughts before starting to write, until he heard the front door open and the voice of two women laughing and chatting.

"I can't believe that guy tried to ask me out by charging more money on that hanging basket." Meredith giggled as they walked into the kitchen.

"He certainly liked you." Mrs. Shepherd laughed.

"Did you ladies have a good time?" Derek smiled, looking up from his writing.

"Oh um...yeah." Meredith smiled, her eyes catching Derek's. "We um....I bought flowers and I'm going to try to not kill them."

"I'm going to help her not kill them." Mrs. Shepherd laughed, kissing her son's cheek. "How are you Dear?"

"I'm...pretty good." Derek chuckled, his eyes not leaving Meredith.

"I'm going to run out to get the mail." His mother replied, sitting her purse down. "I'll be back in a moment."

"Okay..." Derek smiled, watching as his mom left the room. "Flower show, huh?"

"Yeah." She smiled, walking over to where he was seated.

"And you got hit on?" He raised in eyebrow at her.




"Come here..." He laughed, pulling her to him and kissing her.

"Hmm...." She smiled, against his lips.

"Missed you..."

"Did you?"


"Oh..." She smiled, kissing him again.

"This is much better than writing..." He whispered, in between kisses.

"There is other stuff better then kissing."

"Hmm...I remember..."

"Okay! I'm back." Mrs. Shepherd replied as the front door opened.

"Oh guess what?" Meredith said as they pulled away.

"What?" Derek laughed.

"I got asked out three times." Meredith sighed before his mother walked into the kitchen.

"So I was thinking pasta for dinner." His mother said.

"Pasta sounds good." Derek said, before turning back to Meredith. "Mean." He mouthed, winking at her.

"With a tomato sauce?" His mother asked.


"So Mrs. Shepherd...which of those three guys did you think was the best?" Meredith asked, winking at Derek.

"I think that one with the muscles...and the tan was a cutie." His mother laughed, walking into the pantry.

"Not nice." Derek laughed.

"Or the one that kissed my cheek?" Meredith asked.

"Evil evil woman."

"Well the one who charged you more was a little too focused on your chest." Mrs. Shepherd frowned.

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