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She was drunk, or almost drunk, but more drunk then her friends. George had managed to stick to one beer, Christina had stopped drinking an hour ago and Izzie, okay Izzie was a little drunk. But now Meredith was giggly and warm, something she could only blame on the tequila. Tequila and Jose were definitely to blame as she stared wondrously at the empty shot glass in front of her, frowning before reaching for her beer. "My tequila....missing."

"You drank it all." Cristina laughed.

"Right..." Meredith nodded, pushing the shot glass towards the bar. "I'll just beer my finish."

"Finish your beer?" Izzie laughed.

"She's drunk." George laughed, shaking his head.

"You'd be drunk if your weren't on call." Meredith swayed, sitting back down on the bar stool.

"Bambi's never been drunk." Cristina said.

"Yes I have!" George argued, trying to order another beer.

"Oh....George get me a shot!" Meredith shouted, draining the beer in front of her. "I have no idea how I'm going to get home."

"We'll call a cab." Izzie laughed.

"It's a good thing you're not working tomorrow." Cristina took a sip of the water in front of her.

"Don't you want to enjoy your day off?" Izzie slurred. "Go shopping...eat out for lunch?"

"Not if I'm hungover." Meredith giggled.

"She's going to be hungover." Cristina laughed.

"Meredith are you sure you don't want to stop?" Izzie asked, trying to stop George from giving her the shot.

"No she doesn't want to stop!" George said.

"Ooh...Bambi's bad." Cristina rolled her eyes.

"Stop calling him Bambi." Izzie rolled her eyes.

"He's Georgie." Meredith giggled, downing the warm liquid.

"I'm...Georgie!" He said, taking a swig of his new beer.

"Chill George." Izzie laughed, sipping on her wine.

"I want another one!" He yelled.

"Oh god." Cristina groaned.

"I'll drink it so he doesn't."Meredith volunteered, nearly slipping off of her stool.

"No..." Izzie giggled, helping Meredith as she nearly stumbled herself.

"I need sex...which is weird to say but right now...drunk me wants a horny boy." Meredith giggled, putting her head down on the bar. "Wow....I'm drunk."

"Don't we all." Cristina sighed.

"Meredith...that guy in the corner has been checking you out all night...and he's blonde." Izzie pointed.

"I don't want him....I want my boy."

"You have a boy?" George frowned.

"I have a boyfriend." Meredith giggled, bopping George on the nose with her finger.

"She has a boyfriend alright." Cristina muttered.

"Oh...Mer you never told us." Izzie giggled, turning to Meredith. "Who is he?"

"Derek." Meredith giggled.

"Derek?" Izzie replied, looking at George. "Okay we have to do a possible marriage check....if you married him your last name would be Meredith..."

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