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"Do you have to go to work today?" Derek laughed, as he turned the car into his Mom's driveway after their night away.

"You know I have to work Goof." Meredith giggled, pushing her hair behind her ears. "Is this another plot to get me to call in sick?"

"Maybe..." Derek grinned, turning off the car.

"Hmm...well if Bailey wouldn't kill me and if I wasn't an intern it might work."

"What if you told them that you had the plague or something?"

"They'd probably admit me for a medical breakthrough." Meredith laughed, leaning over to kiss him in the driveway.

"Hmm...I don't want you to go." Derek frowned against her lips.

"Hmm....I'll be home tomorrow afternoon."

"Thats too long."

"Derek you have to be at work at six tomorrow...you'll see me." She giggled, kissing him again.

"Ohh...Good." He laughed, kissing her again before getting out of the car.

"So I think I'm going to shower...then I'll grab a snack before I leave." Meredith replied, taking a hold of his hand as they walked in front of the car.

"Want me to make you something?" Derek asked.

"I can think of a few things." She giggled, stopping in front of the porch.

"Like what?" He smirked, his hands on her waist.


"I can shower with you..."

"I think that's a very good idea." She replied, smacking her hands on his ass.

"Okay." He laughed.

"Inside." She giggled.

"You lead the way."

"Okay." She winked, before stepping up on the porch. "Is your Mom home?"

"Nope...She's at some recital...I don't remember who." He smiled.


"Right." Derek laughed, handing her the house key.

"She was talking your Mom's ear off on the phone as she explained that big girls got to wear the blue tutu's." Meredith giggled, putting the key in the door before opening it. "Oh and don't let me forget to pick up cranraisins on the ride home from work tomorrow...I don't want to forget them when we take Stella and Adam to the zoo."

"Cranraisins...Got it."

"And I'll stop by the hardware store...and maybe rent one of those fancy vacuums to clean my house with...oh and I have to get Annie a recital gift even though I didn't go and..."

"Why do you need a fancy vacuum?" Derek asked, as they put their stuff down before heading towards the kitchen.

"To clean the floors...the...people...left dirt stains...I went over yesterday to look and it's going to need to be cleaned really bad."

"Hey you...oh." Mark frowned as he sat at the kitchen table, his grimace meeting Meredith and Derek as they walked into the Shepherd kitchen. He looked up, before looking straight down at his bowl of cereal. "I was just about to leave."

"No Mark don't leave." Meredith said quickly.

"He can leave." Derek breathed.

"Gladly." Mark stood, reaching for the newspaper and his bowl.

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