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This wasn't the way things were supposed to have gone. They were supposed to just keep everything a secret and continue being happy like they were but along the way somebody had guessed and now everything was all out of whack. Derek was exhausted and frustrated after hard day at work but he had to find Meredith. It was clear that they still needed to talk about things because although they weren't broken up, they weren't themselves either.

He scrubbed out of his last surgery of the day and was determined to find Meredith. Except, he had no idea where she was. She wasn't at the hospital because she had been taking care of Adam and Stella, but she wasn't answering her home phone and cell phone and now he was starting to get worried. From the hospital, he headed to her house, knocking on the door with no answer, before noticing her car wasn't in the driveway.

He had no idea where she would be. Adam and Stella were gone with Nancy by now and she was supposed to be at home cleaning. But she wasn't. He drove the couple of blocks back to his house, to see her car parked in the driveway. But he still couldn't find her. She wasn't in the kitchen or the living room or the room that she had been sleeping in when his mom was there. And now he was more than worried as he opened the door to this own room, only to see her curled up under the covers in his bed, sound asleep.

Derek quickly shed his pants and his shirt, before crawling into bed slowly and wrapping his arms around her as gently as he could without waking her up, just glad to have her back in his arms again.

"You're back." She mumbled in his arms, her body still asleep against his.

"Yeah...Go back to sleep." He whispered, pressing a light kiss on her head.


"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." She whispered.

"It's my fault."



"Hmm...." She let her body relax against his, her eyes drifting shut as he held her close. She was arm, something about this arms holding her as she slept made everything feel like she'd be okay. If he was holding her nothing could go wrong.

Derek stayed awake as he held Meredith in his arms. He didn't want to let her go. One night without her with him had been too much and now he wanted nothing more to keep her where she was.

She shifted in his arms, turning to face him as she buried her head in his chest, sleeping soundly against the sounds of his breath. Her one hand rest on his chest as she slept, feeling his heart, as reassurance that she was okay.

"Mer...Time to wake up..." He whispered, an hour or two later, wanting to talk about what had happened.


"It's eight...You gotta wake up..."

"Oh..." She whispered, her eyes opening slowly.


"Hi." She breathed.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, pushing her hair off her face.

"I'm sorry." She replied, a slight yawn escaping her lips.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for because it was my fault and...I was a big ass."

"I acted like it wasn't a big deal."

"It's okay."


"I shouldn't have yelled at you..."

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