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Derek wasn't exactly sure what he was doing, as he sat in his car in front of Meredith's house, trying to decide whether or not to get out. He had brought dinner and beer for them and just wanted to have a chance to spend time with her and to talk to her. He took a deep breath before getting out of the car and grabbing the bags, walking up to Meredith's doorstep and ringing the doorbell. The worst she could do was turn him away and make him go home.

"Ouch...damn it." Meredith groaned as her toe slammed into the door as she opened it, her hair covering her face. "Oh...Hey...what are you...Hi."

"Hey." Derek laughed. "You okay?"

"Yeah....I'm fine." Meredith replied, pushing her hair from her face. "What are you doing here?"

"Dinner." Derek smiled, holding up the bags in his hands.

"What?" She frowned as he walked past her.

"I brought dinner."


"Because...you wouldn't go out for dinner...so I brought it to you."

"You can't do that."

"I can't?"


"Why not?"

"That's...you're cornering me into a date by bringing dinner."

"It's just dinner..."

"Which I said no to."

"Meredith..." Derek breathed.

"I already made dinner for myself." Meredith crossed her arms as she followed him into the kitchen.

"What did you make?"

"I um...Spaghettios."

"Seriously?" Derek smirked.

"What's wrong with that?" Meredith frowned, walking over to her microwave.

"Well for one thing...it's little kid food and...second, what I brought...much better."

"It is not just little kid food."

"Okay fine...but what I brought is still much better."

"I said no to dinner." Meredith sighed.

"If you really want me to go...I will." Derek said.

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Because once you see what I brought you won't want me to leave."

"Fine...." Meredith rolled her eyes, tossing the bowl of canned pasta into the sink.

"Okay." Derek laughed, putting the bags onto the counter. "All we need are plates."

"Oh um....okay." Meredith replied, opening up the cabinets.

"And glasses...unless you want to drink the beer out of the bottle." Derek said, starting to take the food out of the bags.


"Can't have pizza without beer."


"Homemade pizza."

"Healthy pizza." She scrunched her nose."

"Pepperoni pizza." He smiled.


"Do you want one or two slices?"

"Oh um...two." Meredith watched as he cut the pizza, placing it on the plates she had handed to him.

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