- Entering The Game Arena..... -

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"Welcome, fellow players. Are you prepared to enter?" 

"Where are we?" Shu asked. 

"Yeah, I don't remember entering such a super, high-tech place that looks like it's taken ages to build." Mysta noted. 

"Concentrate on what the lady is saying, you guys, maybe she'll be able to tell us what we want to know." Fulgur chipped in. 

"I hope it's going to fun, this is like a virtual game simulator, except that it feels super realistic." Yugo commented, cracking his knuckles. 

"I'm so going to crush this game, just watch me." Vox spoke confidently. 

"Do you think it's going to be like ring fit? You guys know I have the best stamina amongst you all." Luca chuckled. 

"I can sense all of your enthusiasms, then please step on top of these platforms." 


All of the Noctyx and Luxiem boys voiced their amazements as the dark circular platforms started glowing and began scanning their bodies. Their old outfits glitched away, only to be replaced with a dark metal suit with bright neon lights on them, fitting perfectly like a glove. It had like a static feeling as it lets out a steam of pressure and it settles into their body, then flickering on. The suit had nothing else on them, except three glowing bar of lights on each of their right arms, indicating that it's their in-game lives that they would all have. With that done, large doors appeared in front of them, bright silver neon lights turning on and on the other side, the players could all see nothing but a large, infinite expanse of white. It looked as if was an endless chamber. 

"Fellow players, do you hereby swear that you will follow all the rules of the game and to never cheat on it despite the circumstances?"  

"Yes." They all agreed. 

The game master nodded in response and took a few steps back, gesturing for them to enter. "Goodluck, everyone." Each of the players stepped into the Arena, their comrades instantly disappearing from their sides. It took them by surprise but that must be part of the rules they have to follow. This game is a manhunt, the deadliest kind. The game master turned away from the large doors that began to turn off the lights and slide back down into it's original position, plunging the whole room into darkness. Taking their position at the control station above, the game master typed in a few codes. After some processing of the players' information, the game master made a deep sound of amusement before the screen in front of them came to life, revealing several screens in a first-person perspective of every player. 

"Alright, let's begin the game now." 

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