II - Till Death Do Us Part - II

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Entering the third chamber with Hex and Aver, Ver was surprised to see more of his friends there. Doppio and Zaion stood before a tall black metal pole in the shape of a cross. There was a huge pile of nothing but trash scattered at the very bottom. The two of them just remained there, gazing up at the person being tied up to the cross. As Ver approached the group, he followed their eyes and his blood turned cold. 

It was Meloco. 

"What the hell is going on here?" He whispered, looking up at her. She looked horribly battered and bruised, as if she had been beaten up right before somebody had went to tie her up. Her face was swollen and dark mascara stained her cheeks, evidence from her crying. Her once long and luscious hair was now a tangled dirty mess, looking awful and covered in mud. Ver then looked down and examined the pile. Dirt leaves, dry branches and also papers filled with hateful letters were stacked up high. He also found some stuff there, suddenly having a quick flashback to Meloco's old items she has kept at home. Even her trusty old umbrella now lay broken and torn on one side.

Anger boiling up inside of him, Ver rushed in to help Meloco but as soon as his hand made contact with the pole, the girl screamed as electrifying shots began torturing her body. Ver instantly yanked himself back. 

"Don't touch anything, Ver, you'll hurt her. Me and Doppio tried that already. " Zaion warned him. "We have to think of a way to get her down without causing anymore injury." 

"How the hell did this happen?" He asked, worryingly gazing up at Meloco who no longer had the strength to fight back and free herself. 

Doppio shrugged. "I found her like this as soon I came in here." He stepped around the pole, trying to look for a way but also keeping a safe distance. 

Slowly cracking her eyes open, Meloco managed to speak up, her voice now hoarse and raw. Ver clenched his fists up, wondering if she has been screaming for help earlier. "You guys......are okay."

"Listen Meloco, we're gonna get you out of here, okay? We'll find us a way." Ver quickly replied. He then turned to Hex and added, "Hex, we need your help. We might not be able to touch the metal pole but from this far, do you think you can help alleviate her pain while we untie her?" 

The counselor paused for a long moment, thinking hard. Hex let out a thoughtful comment. "I guess I can do that, although it's never been done before. Physical contact with said person in pain is usually recommended but I'll see what I can do. " 

Ver placed a comforting hand on the other's shoulder. "You got this, don't worry. For Meloco's sake, yeah?" Hex nodded and got into position right in front of the girl. Lifting both his hands, shady blue and black flames spilled out and swirled around. Hex tried his best to focus on his powers and navigate Meloco's sources of pain. With as much as energy as he could muster, he began the process of pain absorption. Ver's tense shoulders sagged a little as the girl's tight expression softened a little. 

"Alright, you two, help me out here." Ver suggested to Zaion and Doppio. Considering how high up Meloco was, Doppio agreed to have Zaion be seated on his shoulders. It was a piggyback ride that could have been cute if only it wasn't in such a life-threatening context. The girl with white hair tapped on her suit that unleashed a sharp dagger. Ver blinked at it with interest. Zaion the proceeded to saw away at the ropes that tied the other girl. 

"By the way, where's Kotoka?" Ver asked, suddenly realizing it. He glanced around the chamber, seeing nobody else but them. 

"Right here." 

Out of nowhere, a arrow flying at full speed. It struck Doppio right in the chest and he winced, stumbling backwards. Losing balance, he toppled to the ground, making both he and Zaion crash down hard onto each other. The arrow was silky black in color but with a shining gold tip at the very top of it. Grimacing in pain, Doppio tried to pull it free but it had stabbed him a little too deep. Zaion had also attempted to pull it free but not even her strength was enough for it to budge. 

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