II - Playing With The Gods - II

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  It has been several hours ever since their first fight in the third chamber. The five players had decided to take some time off resting before heading on to the next game. Despite the Game Master's close watch over them, neither cared for the idea of going into hiding anymore. Instead, they had scattered to several spots all over the chamber, lost in their own deep thoughts. Kotoka could be seen having a quiet and long conversation with Ver, probably discussing issues regarding what happened. Everyone's a little shaken up, going through an aftershock. It will take some time for everything to settle in. Zaion on the other hand, was pacing around the chamber, using that as a means to clear her messy thoughts and emotions. 

Trailing a hand along the smooth cold walls, thinking it might activate something hidden behind them. Exploring the capabilities of her suit, trying out new powers and weapons. She was distracted, lost but never losing hope. Looking at how dejected her friends looked, there has to be a way for them to get back up on their feet again, to keep going. But Meloco was dead and now, she too shivered at the prospect of facing yet another life-risking game. No, she does not want to lose anyone else. If that were to happen again, it will eventually break her completely. 

And she can't afford to lose control just yet.

She then spotted Aver, seemingly hunched over at one tiny corner at the far side of the chamber. They appeared to be busy with something. Curious, Zaion walked over to the stranger. She had been wanting to ask Ver about the person that came with him and Hex, but the student president spared no time for small talk when he had reunited with them. She took the chance and went up to meet Aver. 

She tapped on their shoulder. "You there." 

The person got a fright and yelped, turning around to meet her eyes. "Y-yes?" 

She gestured towards the holographic screen that had appeared on their arms. "What are you doing?" 

Aver stuttered a little when they spoke, a little awkward, as if they were getting caught red-handed for stealing. "Uh, it's nothing. Just something I'm working on for my next plan. "

Sitting down cross-legged in front of the stranger, Zaion asked again. "What plan?" 

With a pause, Aver scanned the girl's eyes and wondered if they should trust her. Zaion was part of Ver's team so it sounded alright, at least to them. If Ver was willing to risk his life for all the people here, Aver knew they had to do the same. Turning around to face Zaion directly, they began to explain. "I found something interesting we could use. Here, take a look." The girl inched closer at the screen. "Back when I first met Ver, I had transported him to a place somewhere inside the first chamber when running away from a chamber boss. It was like a secret room, of sorts. The monster that attacked us wasn't able to enter and I'm also certain the Game Master wasn't able to-"

Slamming a hand on their mouth, Zaion quickly silenced the stranger. "Shush, it will hear us. We're not exactly concealed right now." She whispered in a soft yet frantic tone. Aver's eyes darted about, then landed towards a narrow window at the very top of the chamber. Their heart sank dreadfully. 

Glancing around, Zaion released her hand from Aver's mouth. The other person exchanged a knowing look with her before they both stood up and ran over to Ver. The player with crimson hair was still talking to Kotoka but stopped to greet the other two who appeared pale and serious. 

"What's going on?" He asked worriedly.

"There's no time, I'll explain later, gather your team now and follow me!" Aver ordered. "Go!" Without a second to waste, Zaion grabbed Kotoka's hand as they ran after the stranger. Ver called out to Hex and Doppio, getting their attention and waving a hand over. The other two players quickly dashed over to Ver as the entire group tagged along. 

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