II - N.E.O.N- II

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So, who exactly is the game master? 

The game master, you ask? Um, where do I even begin? It's going to be a long story but N.E.O.N is the very person that had been controlling everything that went on in the game arena. The game master doesn't have a fixed gender. Little is known about the game master since they are mostly tasked by maintaining order in the arena and following Shoto's orders. But there are times where the game master is tempted to defy the tasks and duties given to them. During the fight with Yugo and Shoto, the game master knew that they actually had the power to step in and stopping The Manipulator from taking the shot. Despite being someone with extremely powerful abilities and unparallel intelligence, N.E.O.N was also one that does not want to ensue anymore unnecessary chaos than there already was. The game master knew that if they were to let Yugo escape out of the arena alive, that player is going to expose everything about the game arena and the existence of such a nightmarish place. The game master was created just for this sole purpose in the arena but if everything were to be told to the human world government and the media, the game master will only be heart-broken to lose their own place they call home. Sure, the arena may be a torturous place where nothing but bloodshed occurs. But there are no players coming in, the game master will sometimes spar with Shoto in the arena with random monsters and in all honesty, fighting with Shoto himself can be thrilling and exciting too. The Manipulator, in the eyes of the game master, isn't all that villainous and cold-blooded. He was just misunderstood as someone that had lived a tragic life and died unfairly. As gratitude for being brought to existence, the game master then vowed total loyalty and obedience to The Manipulator. It comes with a price, of course, having to watch millions of players die in the most awful ways ever. All because of Shoto's karma to those who have wronged him in the world, regardless if they are innocent or not. 

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