II - Epilogue - II

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Letting out an exhausted breath and stretching on his chair, Shotou sighed, hearing his muscles crack. Staring emptily back at his computer screen, the streamer groaned in despair. Can't believe the game he has always loved playing has now displayed its ending credits. Long titles of random names scrolled by but Shotou ignored them, standing up to get himself a refreshing cold drink. It quenched his parched throat tremendously, earning a satisfied groan, paired with a grin. Well, then again, finally completing this long game has left quite the triumphant feeling in Shotou, glad to have bravely sat through it all. Still, what had happened to his character got him having mixed feelings, but unable to change the story's ending regardless.

Right outside his room, he heard the sound of a door opening, Suha popping his head into Shotou's bedroom. "Ugh you're still gaming.....what time is it now?"

"Don't worry, it's finished." The other replied, pointing at the black screen, taking his headphones off. "Why, are you getting bored already?"

Suha walked over and ruffled the boy's soft hair, laughing. "Nah I just went out for a swim, had so much fun with Sonny and the others that came by. I just took a shower but...ew, you stink."

Swatting a playful hand at the tall man as he flushed a deep red, Shotou could only snort back defensively. "I told you I was done streaming, cut some slack, I'll go now okay?" Suha only shook his head and beamed to himself, finally leaving the messy gamer room. Dropping back onto his leather spinning chair with a sigh, Shotou spun around and glanced back at the screen, thinking long and hard.

The game has once again brought him back to the main area, where one simple option was displayed clearly for him to choose.

>Will you restart the game?

Tapping the mouse key hesitantly, biting down his lip thoughtfully, Shotou stole a glance back at his room door, hoping Suha doesn't pop back out again. Well, no harm in playing this awesome game a second time right? Should be fine, what's the worse that could happen? Grinning in glee, Shotou shifted the cursor and clicked.

With no regrets.

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