II - Level 2 - The Smart One II

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"Who do you think we'll find in the next chamber?" Shu asked as he walked alongside Luca. They were silent for a pretty long time, the both of them constantly trying not to think of the worst case scenario of what they might encounter. The possibilities are endless in this strange arena and they have to always be prepared to fight, no matter the circumstances. 

Luca replied, "Maybe Mysta, or Vox. I wonder what they're up to right now. " He thought of how excited Mysta had looked before they entered the arena. After what just happened earlier with the spider, Luca wondered if Mysta will even still be smiling and joking around at this point. 

Shu tapped on his suit nervously, "Well, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be too hard for Vox, right? He's a tough demon, I'm sure he's doing okay." Somehow, Shu sounded a little doubtful there and Luca could sense it. It made the mafia feel a little uneasy. This long expanse of white could easily spill out other terrifying beasts that will even be worse than the spider from before. 

Luca let out a chuckle, trying to ease the mood. "Yeah, I suppose so. Back there with the spider, I was literally trying my darn best to survive and there were moments where I thought I was going to die. I mean, in this game I have 3 lives. But if you think about it, it's also much better if we conserve them as best as we can until we get to the final level. Who knows what even scarier things could be at that level, I don't even wanna imagine it." 

"You know, before I came here, I was actually in the middle of talking to one of my friends. " Shu spoke up. "He wanted to hang out with me and I agreed. But then all of a sudden, I ended up here. I can't remember exactly how it happened but, I was so shocked to see all of you guys here as well. Like Sonny, Fulgur, Mysta and the others. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on and what kind of a place this is. "

"Do you think it's like a....torture chamber?" Luca pointed out. "What with the strange rules, that creepy looking game master and the way this place looks, as if it never ends. It's almost like.....we're being sucked into a game that's way too real for it's own damn good. Like, it kind of reminds me of The Hunger Games."

"Oh, seriously?" Shu commented with an unreadable expression. "That show is super old by now, but I think it's good. I'm just glad we don't have to kill each other though. If so, you would have been dead meat by the time I came to find you." That made Luca laugh, until he coughed. Shu patted the blonde mafia's back to calm him down again. That wasn't suppose to be funny and he knew it, but for some reason.....the situation they were in didn't really gave them much of an answer of how they should be feeling or what they should be saying. There was no rule for that. Just survive, that was the most important thing they had to remember, always.

"Hey, what's that over there?" Luca asked, pointing at something far away, in front of them. Gulping nervously, he and Shu slowly approached it. Shu could instantly make out that the object Luca was referring to was actually a huge stack of books, papers and even files that piled up higher than a millionaire's mountain of clothes. This isn't suppose to be one of the bosses I have to deal with, right? I was expecting a huge monster. Shu thought to himself. Eh, this should be fine. As soon as they got closer, Luca was instantly knocked back against an invisible barrier. He made a sound of surprise, stumbling backwards. 

Shu turned around in confusion. "What's wrong? Why can't you walk through?" He lifted his hands and felt around in front of him, feeling nothing at all. Luca pounded the barrier in front of him and it sent a ripple in the air, making it slightly visible for Shu to notice it. The sorcerer nodded his head, "Oh, so it was meant to keep you out." 

"But I don't get it, the rules did mention that if a player had managed to find their other teammates before they could encounter a boss, shouldn't that boss be available to the other players to fight it too then?" Luca pondered thoughtfully. 

The Game Arena - A Sci- Fi FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora