- Phase III prologue - What The Stars Say -

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"Aster, you there....?"

"Aster, wake up! Can you hear me? It's me, do you remember me? I doubt this message of mine will be able to reach you, crossing my fingers and praying for a miracle, that is all I can do. Listen I.....I don't really know who you are but...I've heard many things about you, about Iluna and how everyone there are incredibly skilled and powerful. Please help us, Aster, I know you can hear my voice within this dream of yours. It is as the saying goes: 'The blood of your brother calls out to you from the ground.' " 

"Please help me, Aster....wake up...help-!" 

"I.....hate to do this...to you..." 

"Aster, use your powers to awaken the Crystal Ball! We're in grave danger......!" 

"Can you hear....me.....?" 


"........the Crystal.....awaken.....it is time....!" 


Being woken up with a throbbing headache was never in his intention to start the day, especially on a Monday morning. Groaning with his neck sore, Aster rubbed his eyes and stretched tiredly, cracking bones here and there. He sat up and leaned back against the four-poster bed within the Palace of Lights deluxe bedrooms, dressed in a silky purple robe. That dream again.....he thought to himself, bothered by how it has never left him for the past few years now. It was just a dream, he had kept reminding himself, hoping that it will eventually pass. Perhaps, it could be an omen. Of what, though? 

After showering and getting dressed in fresh new clothes dripping with accessories, Aster made his way towards the windowsill, where his work table was. Cluttered with enchanted crystals, pendants, messy notes and small puddles of potions, the very object still intact was the infamous crystal ball given to him by Uki, one very long time ago. Aster wasn't even sure when exactly it was or why, but Aster subconsciously reached out for it, fingers slightly grazing the smooth cold surface. 

There was a slight tingle. Aster hesitated.

Uki......was that you? But isn't he already......

No longer wasting anymore time on useless thinking, Aster shook off that depressing thought and turned away, leaving the room. No use crying over spilt milk anyway. He obviously has much better things to do. 


"Did you know?" Aia suddenly spoke while flipping through the pages of an old book. "That in the Palace of Lights of Aurora, there is actually such a thing as a legendary sword powerful enough to destroy planets and tear through different dimensions?" 

"Hah?! What kind of nonsense are you talkin' about?" A short boy with blinding blue hair retorted in disbelief. "Cut the crap, Aia, ain't no such thing as that." 

"Eh? I think it's kinda cool!" Scarle exclaimed happily, her eyes glittering as she shot the other girl a wink. "Don't listen to him, Aia, he's just busy fussing around trying to collect insects and weird stuff, thinking they're enchanted to make him taller." 

"I don't even do those stuff!" Kyo slammed his hands on the table and blurted out, his face turning a deep red color, about to fling a book. "On top of that, why are we here in the library anyway? Is Aia planning a surprise pop quiz about the history of Aurora or something? Ugh, that sounds boring...." 

"Nope, in fact I am indeed trying to see if the myth about that sword is true." The girl with flowing white hair responded, taking out another book. "I've also heard that this mythical weapon is called the "Sword Of Heavenly Fire", kept inside a deadly secret chamber that's guarded by a powerful dragon." 

Beside Aia, Ren chuckled. "You know what Kyo, this does sound like a fairytale story. Let me guess, there's a princess trapped in there too? Don't worry, I'll save her." 

Hearing his words, Kyo couldn't help but gag and choke exaggeratedly. "Oh please, I bet she'd turn tail and run before you can even try hitting her up with one of that pathetic laugh of yours." 

The boy with black hair frowned, pretending to look shattered. "Why not? Don't I look absolutely handsome, though? I bet I might be able to have more game with the locals here, at least I'm not a midget-looking twink like you." 

"Fuck you, Ren!" Kyo cursed, balling his fists up and ready to pounce. "Fuck you and your ugly horns!" 

"I'm down for that too, Kyo, come to my room later." Ren smirked, turning back to his book and professionally dodging a thick hardcover novel flying towards his face, thrown by a very angry Kyo. 

Clearing her throat loudly, Aia managed to calm them down again before she added. "By the way, where's Maria? Has anyone seen her?" 

"Oh, about that....." Scarle chipped in. "I think she's swimming right now." Looking around,  Scarle could see that their doubtful expressions speak that neither of them seemed convince by such an innocent statement.

"There's a pool here?" Ren asked. 


Taking a dip in the huge indoor pool within the Palace, Maria was somehow feeling contented and pleased with how things were going. The others were in the library but the sight of this clear pool, accompanied with the scent of rose petals, had lured her in without resistance. Well, at least she has now come to believe that Aurora wasn't that bad of a place after all. She then decided to swim a few more laps, basking in the warm afternoon sun shining through the large windows all around the empty hall. 

20 minutes pass and Maria had called for some refreshments, thanking the servants as they brought over the food and drinks. Fresh grapes and a glass of ice cold lemonade made Marie's mouth water, accepting the snacks graciously. Taking her time to chew on her food and admire the scenery outside, she had come to realize that maybe being in the Palace of Lights might actually be perfect for her. Calming, peaceful, quiet and also luxurious beyond compare. 

The future may hold even more obstacles, dangers hiding in the shadows and deadly traps that serve to kill. Without her being aware of it, Maria should be careful not to lose sight of her senses and stray away from the light. Remaining positive and hoping for the best is what she chooses to focus on, for now. 

But that was when she heard the sound of shattering glass behind her. Startled, Maria turned to see who it was, only to be met with the widened eyes of a tall man with deep crimson hair and an expression filled with shock and disbelief. Standing behind the mysterious was Aster, lurking secretly by the doorway. 

If her memory serves well, he must be Ver Vermillion, another player that survived the Arena as well. 

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