II - Level 4 - Apocalyptic Dawn- II

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-2nd Chamber- 

Slowly regaining consciousness, Alban woke up and cracked his eyes open. It took him a whole minute to process that everything around him had turned back to normal. The waters, along with the hurricane were gone and they were back in their original forms, with no scales or fins. His black metal suit was completely intact and what was even more surprising was, the enormous White Snake was also no longer watching them. What happened? He thought. He turned to look at Uki who appeared to be fine. The doors to the 1st chamber were open but the storm has receded, no storms terrorizing ocean waves. He stood up and ran into the 1st chamber, looking around for Sonny but he found no one there. With a frown, he began to walk in and scan every area of the chamber. Sonny couldn't have just disappeared like that, unless he's already moved on ahead of us. But then, he could have sworn he heard something weird before he awoke, about a disappearance, not knowing who it was. Alban then rushed back to wake Uki up, the other player regaining consciousness. 

When Alban explained everything to Uki, they both decided to just quickly move on to the 3rd chamber and find Fulgur. There could be a possibility that they'll find Sonny there. The two players advanced onwards. As they walked, Uki couldn't help but glance back at the empty room behind them, feeling as if they had missed out on something they shouldn't have. Something tugged inside him, a weird feeling he couldn't quite shake off. Where Sonny had went, what happened to him, where he has gone to, these questions swirl around constantly in Uki's mind. Trying to ignore those bothersome thoughts in his mind, Uki followed after Alban, to the next level that lies in wait for them. 

-The Game Station-

"It wasn't that big of a mistake, really." A man wearing an expensive black suit spoke calmly, his hand was holding a glass of red wine. The game station was dark and the man's features were mostly concealed. "That wasn't the first time it has happened. "

In the pitch dark silence, only the soft neon lights outside gave very little glow that reflected into the game station. Tension was thick and only the faint sounds of wine being sipped could be heard. "My Lord, such an incident was never predicted and I have failed to counter it in time. This has been a fault at my part and I shall accept the blame.

With a sigh, the man placed his glass down. "I do not ask for your apology, game master. Rather, I wish to know just how exactly it happened and why you did not prepare to stop it in time. Now, we've lost a valuable player and this arena is going to fall apart within seconds. Do you have any idea just what you have done?" 

"From previous records, it is said that Player no.1 from Noctyx disappeared in the first chamber, during a fight." The game master turned away from facing the man and began scanning the many screens and it's data that's listed out. "There were no strange entities or any other beings that were spotted, which could mean that Player no.1 just vanished on his own, with no prior warnings. As to where he had gone, I shall continue my investigation and-" 

"No, forget it!" The man demanded, getting up and storming all the way to where the game master sat, slamming his hand on the chair and whirling it around, forcing them to face his raging eyes. "These players have already gone way too far with the rules. And if they were to escape without Player No.1, word will spread about the arena and future players that come in will eventually know just what exactly we do here. I need to bring this place back into line and you have to make sure it happens. "

The game master's robotic expression seemed to have darkened a little, replying. "Are you implying that I increase the difficulty level in all chambers to the max? The Luxiem group has already survived and is patiently awaiting the start of the final chamber, what about them? And Noctyx.......should I just kill them all, my Lord?" 

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