II - Level 1 - Black Poison II

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- Player detected, chamber activating.....- 

Woah, this place.....it's so big, I can't even begin to comprehend it. Luca was blinded by a sudden flash of light as the chamber in front of him came to life. It was as he had seen before entering the arena. Looking right next to him, there was nobody around. He sighed, guess I'll have to find the others on my own, I hope they're doing alright. Now where do I start? He was a little confused, walking slowly and trying to look around for clues. This chamber felt cold and eerie, as if there was something sinister lying in wait for him. 

Luca walked and walked, looking up and down, left and right. Still, nothing came to surprise him. At the very start, he was genuinely shocked when he was suddenly transported into this strange place, or a dimension more like. When he noticed that his other friends had came in as well, it made him wonder if this was all a coincidence. Maybe not? Either way, he was hoping that this game was not as intimidating as he'd expected. This isn't a virtual simulator and it was in fact, as real as anything else. 

As he traversed the empty chamber, he began to think of ways on how to find his other comrades and escape this place. There was nothing interesting at all, and it was beginning to bore him out. Luca was someone that lives for the thrill of an adventure and is highly curious of anything he encounters. Trying to be optimistic, Luca told himself that this game shouldn't be too hard for someone like him to handle. It could be alright, as far as he's concerned. 

Out of nowhere, the chamber then released a deep and thunderous rumble from all around him. Luca paused, his body frozen in anticipation. What was that? What's going on? There was the sound of hissing and rumbling, along with the vibrating of opening doors. He looked around, only to see nothing. This was beginning to disturb him a little. There could be bad things popping up at any moment. The lights in the chambers began to flicker and there was a deep mechanical sound, along with a weird alien-like growl. Luca gulped, as he scanned the chamber. Where is that thing coming from? Is this the monster I'm gonna have to fight? 

-First enemy spotted- 

Oh god, here it comes. He braced himself, trying to grab a weapon but only to realize that he doesn't have his gun. His heart dropped down to the abyss. How is he gonna do this without a bloody weapon? This isn't fair, he silently panicked. Behind Luca, a large shadow towered over him and he turned around. He was completely horrified to see an enormous black spider, it's red eight eyes glowing in a blinding red neon light. The spider was as big as a mansion, it's legs filled with poisonous spikes and it's fangs dripping with a dangerous corrosive blood. It growled, a deep animalistic sound, glaring straight at Luca. The mafia was trying to comprehend what he was looking at. It then registered in his head. This is a fucking spider. He tried not to scream as he pressed around in his suit, hoping that it will at least spawn any weapon for him. 

Up at the station, the game master sensed Luca's already-impending fear and smirked, pressing a button on a holographic screen. The spider's eight eyes came to life and it let out a furious roar. 

-Round 1, begin-

The spider hissed, lunging at Luca with it's poisonous spit. It fired a shot at Luca and the mafia quickly dodged it and rolled away. The spider raised one of it's long spikey legs and came it slamming down, cracking the floor. He let out a cry of surprise as Luca tried to maintain his distance away from the spider. His heart pounded like crazy, what is the meaning of this insanity? I'm bloody scared of bugs and this ain't it! He ran around the spider, trying to think of a way to attack it. With no weapon in hand, this was going to be a huge nightmare. A huge shot of web came towards Luca and he hurried to the side, avoiding getting trapped in it. The webs began reaching out for Luca in sticky, slimy fluids. He gagged at the stench of it as he backed away and ran, staying as far as he could. 

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